Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Today someone said to me "Happy Fat Tuesday!" I said "Thanks, and have a happy Fat Wednesday too!" She laughed and reminded me of Mardi Gras. Whoopdedoo. There's a party somewhere else, I'm at work, and I'm fat every Tuesday and Wednesday and the other 5 too. I understand the meaning of the last hurrah before lent and whatnot...but I just don't like to tie days and nights of drunken titty flashin' to something involving Christ. But that's just me.

My cousin Allison is moving in this weekend. She is a teacher in Springtown, TX and already has a sorta long commute to work but is going to make it even longer by moving here...but she is planning on grad school at UNT and it will help her save some $ not living alone. I'm excited. We used to see each other more than we have the last few years and so much has changed in those years so it will be nice getting to hang out with her again. Teddy and Roosevelt, both of the feline-type, will be joining us also!

Ok, I'm off to a CCL board meetin'.

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