Tuesday, December 31, 2002

I had the greatest idea. I love to eat at home, and I also love to cook. But I hate to handle raw meat. So we eat a lot of things that use ground beef because you can cook it frozen and it doesn't have to be touched. So my idea was that I could boil a ton of chicken all at once and keep it in the frig so I wouldn't have to mess with that issue all the time. Just a lot at one time. SO I purchased 3 bags of 9 chicken breasts and thawed them last night. Today I cut all the crap off and boiled them. They are cooling now so I can refrigerate them. I was worried about how long they would stay good, but Mom read that they will stay good for 3-4 weeks. We can have 7-9 chicken meals in the next 3 weeks. I have been reading my cookbooks for things to cook. There are 4 new recipies to try that require boiled chicken and I have at least 4 old ones that I can make. I am truly becoming Martha Stewart.

Speaking of being a domestic engineer, I love the magazine Real Simple. It has delightful stuff in it. In this months' they profiled blow dryers. It made me want a new one. There is one bad ass one that is $89. I would my hair would be beautiful if I used that! I found a thing online to get 4 free issues of the zine. So I did. I have purchased them on road trips before, but never a subscription. I had intended to cancel after I received my free issues, but I think that I may go ahead and pay for a full year. That's amazing seeking as how I usually only read Spin and Newsweek; and I HATE schtuff like Cosmo.

I had originally thought that I would go to this party at Leanna’s house tonight, but then today I didn’t want to. But I do believe I have found my second wind. I am off to the shower and then to buy a bottle of Crown. It’s been awhile since I got down and dirty with royalty. I actually haven’t drank since Vegas!

Blog yall next year! Hope everyone has a SAFE and fun night!

Sappy Few Jear!

Monday, December 30, 2002

Agent 809 is absolutely adorable! I want to post pictures on my blog. Someone tell me how! Please? Though today would be a terrible day to take any of my poos.

It seems scrambled eggs gives the black one (as my mother says) the trots. I seriously think my carpet is ruined. Most of it was on the tile, but there were a few she just didn't make it. Sometimes I hate that I sleep so soundly, I know she had a miserable night and I slept through it. I gave her an Imodium. She hasn't died yet, so I guess that was ok. Tomorrow I'm going to call the vet, but she is still playful enough that I didn't think it warranted a trip to the ER.

There are (I think) 3 people that read this. Between the four of us we have 3 cats and 5 dogs. Neat.

Friday, December 20, 2002

I am SO glad someone else has heard those voices beckoning me to the computer. I don't feel as crazy now. Why didn't you tell me this before???
Picture this:

My husband dancing through the living room with a tiny brown poodle singing to the Beach Boys Surfin Safari song tune:

Let's go pee-pee now
Everyone's learnin' how
Come on and go pee-pee with ME!

That was when I revealed to him that each day with I give Frank a bath I sing (to the Row Your Boat tune):

Scrub, scrub, scrub the dog
Gently in the sink!
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Frank's life is but a dream!

and then when we are towel drying, I change scrub to "dry."

Yeah. I now have concrete proof why we got married. Both giant nerds.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

My Christmas shopping is done. Sad but true. It is a pretty sparse year, not much purchased. But lots of love, and that's what is important.

Tomorrow I’m on my way to Midland for a stop over and then on to Hobbs on about Sundayish. Vic won’t be there until Wednesday, but that’s ok. Time apart is nice. And then we will head back here on Friday. A week of me and my traveling poodles. What an adventure!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

You want a post? You got it.

So Very Bad Frank is still very bad. He is getting somewhat better about not peeing in the house, but sometimes he is still too busy to remember that he should go outside. He has 2 speeds: fast and off. Today he was playing with Nancy and I thought it was prolly time to go outside. So I said "let's go pee-pee." (BTW, that's Vic's choice of command...I think it's retarded.) and Very Bad gave me a sideways head look and squatted right then and there. At least he knows the word.

We also gave the 2 poodles a bath. Actually, since Very Bad gets one everyday it was no big deal for him. But he did go to the shower with his dad today. Vic took Very Bad in, scrubbed him up, and passed him out for me to dry. Then we forced Nancy in for her shower since it has been a good 6 weeks or so. She didn't really stink or anything, but I thought it was time. She was so sweet when I was blow drying her. I sat down in the floor and told her to come sit by me; instead she came and sat in my lap. Whatever gets the job done!

For anyone who does not regularly bathe dogs, you are so missing out on the after-bath run. After a bath, dogs must run as fast as they can for a good 10 minutes. It's like a natural energy boost. And since it's still relatively nice here, we went to the backyard to run figure 8's. What fun!

There's my day. I mean, my life. Now see why I haven't been posting? There is only so much you can say about poos.

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Moe! You are 1/4 a century! A quarter! Ancient! But I hope it is a very very happy day.

In other happy news, Mandy is graduating as I type. I didn't go to the actual ceremony, but I'm going to the after party at her parents house and then to the bar.

BTW, I knew about the jumper at the Galleria, Mandy told me. Not sure how she knew, but I noticed it wasn't on the news either. I may come see you next week, I need to go to Williams-Sonoma and a store close to the Galleria, so what days ya workin?

Thursday, December 12, 2002

I went to the bar tonight. It's a new place called BJ's Brewery. It's so tasty (we had dinner too). But I met Jason's girlfriend. Um. Well. I don't know what to say about her. Besides she has fake titties, drives a Benz, and talked about her jewerly from Tiffany's several times. I don't think she knows how to make chicken fried steak. But I suppose I will get used to her, seems he likes her a lot.

I didn't drink. I had no desire. But I had so much fun. Just sitting and talking. Like good ol' times. Mandy's friend from school, Casha, came up there. She's so cool!

Ok, it's time to sleep. Nighty nite.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Today's been a good day for 3 reasons:

1.) Vic was medically discharged from the army. Glory Be.

2.) His neurosurgeon in MD called and said that his most recent MRI was great. His AVM has shrunk considerably and is almost invisible to someone who doesn't know just right where to look. He has to have an angeogram in 6 months to take a closer look. Glory Be Again.

3.) Nancy and Franklin went to the vet. Besides the fact that I got to see my beautiful Dr. Gray, Nancy's ears are healthy. And VBF (Very Bad Frank) is almost healthy. He has some ear mites and some little intestinal parasite that only puppies are prone too, (not dogs cats or humans!) but both are easily taken care of. He also has a knot in his arm pit that I was very worried about, but it seems to just be a fat ball in his skin. No worries!

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

So I was just reading Misti's blog and I thought "Check the time, this could possibly be a drunken blog." And much to my suspicion, it was posted late last night. Probably around the time my phone rang and I had been asleep for so long that I couldn't figure out if it was the phone or the door bell...and then I looked over and couldn't figure out who Vic was. Don't ya hate that? When you are so asleep and you wake up and don't know where you are or who you are in bed with. This happened a lot to me as a child, but not in a long time w/out the help of some sort of alcohol.

Vic is being tested to see what kind of "friends" he has. But it seems highly unlikely that I would have caught them too. Thank the Good LORD.

I need a nap. The pupster has been in high gear since 7 a.m.

Monday, December 09, 2002

STD's are not TRULY disturbing. Tapeworms are. Dr. appt. at 3 this afternoon, still not really soon enough.

For your own safety and sanity of loved ones, don't eat rare meat.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Today has been so lazy! It's kinda misty outside and looks like I should be in my bed. Cept my comforter is in the dryer cause someone peed on it. None the less, I put my big heavy velvet quilt on it and attempted to nap but the same "someone" who peed on my NEW comforter was not in the mood for a nap. SO now it's too late for a nap and he's FINALLY napping. Mandy and Leanna are watching Ali in the living room, about that boxer dude. Something I'm totally not interested in. I don't think I'm going to make it until Vic gets home, therefore I will have to watch the Sopronos early. I was in bed at like 10 last night, and I think I will be tonight too.

Mom asked her brother (Walker) and his family to eat at the house for Christmas. They said yes. That will be cool and strange at the same time. This is the first year it's not just me, Will, Bob, & Kay. So not only are we adding my husband, but family that we haven't spent holidays with in a good 10 years.

Vic has a nasty problem that will require an urgent trip to the Dr. tomorrow. I will spare you all the details, but I have never been so truly disturbed. And if I catch it, I will Die with a capitol D.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

So the pupster (Franklin Henry) has been here for 8 days. Damn. He's busy.

Eat. Pee. Eat. Pee. Poop. Sleep. Sleep. Bite Nancy. Chase Kitty. Chase Nancy. Pee. Hump my leg. Hump the Blanket. Pee. Chase Nancy. Poop. Chase Nancy to try and Bite her. Repeat every 30 minutes.

He's already grown too. When we got him last Friday he could stand up on Nancy's big tall dog food bowl but couldn't reach anything on the inside. As of yesterday, he could reach the food and water. I think we are going to go get a baby gate to keep him out of the kitchen. Regulate intake to regulate outtake.

I'm going with Mandy and her family to a huge Christmas production thing at Prestonwood Baptist tonight in Plano. That's the biggest church I've ever been too. It has buses to take you from the parking lot to the building and things like gift stores inside. It should be cool though. Everything I've been to there has been cool.

So today in the Hobbs paper they listed people that are owed money by random places. I'm on the list with my address from when I lived in my duplex in H-town. The company that says they owe me money is one I've never heard of. But I won't argue. And I'm going to hurry up and claim so they don't change their minds!!!

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

This is funny. Damn Funny.


Monday, December 02, 2002

I am damn near done with my Christmas shopping. Glory Be!

Thursday, November 28, 2002

Gobble Gobble. Happy Turkey Day!

I am thankful for my friends, my family, my Vic, Nancy & Carson & Puppy La Pue, my house, my health, my finally graduating this year, and GWB being president.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

So Bob, Kay, William, and Abby were supposed to come tomorrow. Vic and I started cleaning Monday around noon. Around 5 pm they called and said "We are not coming on Wed. We are coming on Tue." Holy Dust Bunnies! We cleaned straight from noon Monday til about 9 pm. Then up at 7 am this morning and cleaned all the way until 11:30 pm. We did break for dinner and a quick trip to Target to get some stuff like a shower curtain for upstairs and some more soft scrub (I love soft scrub lemon). This house is so damn clean it hurts. I even polished the silver. Ok, so it was only a silver ring and a little 2 in by 2 in pineapple thing, but still. I busted out the silver polish! Anywho, I'm so pooped that I can't even drag my ass to bed.

Oh, and by the way. I found a turkey that had never been frozen. Therefore we need not defrost. But the 19.3 lb bastard is taking up my whole refrigerator.

Have I mentioned that Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday? I really and truly do love it. No presents, just a good home cooked meal w/ people you love and giving thanks for so many wonderful things. It's a very happy holiday. My favorite is Easter. It's so cute, and pink, and bunnyish. Not to mention that I (unlike the strange CofC clan) believe that it's the celebration of Christ rising from the dead. Which is awesome, because he died on the cross for us all. :). Oh, and it's the only time of year you can get Cadbury Crème Eggs. Too bad you can't get Cadbury Crème Turkeys...

Sunday, November 24, 2002

I'm going to buy a turkey. My mom says that it takes 5 days in the frig to thaw if I buy a frozen one. But I am SO not in the mood to go to the store. But I don't really have a choice. I have to buy laundry stuff too. I'm all out. Then maybe a quick trip to Sonic.

Friday, November 22, 2002

Just got back from another 40 minute walk. That's twice this week. Wowzers!
Vic played Civilization for 8.5 hours yesterday. That is really how long. I went to bed mad. Something I should not have done, but it was midnight and I was alone and he was busy building Denver or some shit. This morning he told me he uninstalled it (again, he did that 2 weeks ago!) but he won't find it this time should he want to reinstall it. It gone. Never to be unearthed again. And you know the worst part? I know exactly how he feels. I used to play the Sims and I had to stop. It was an addiction. It gave me a god complex. I *loved* controlling all those little peeps. So I quit cold turkey. I've been clean for 2 years next month. Now he too can work towards sobriety.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Don't think that I didn't get up at 6 a.m. Mandy and Vic went to get coffee and I tried my damndest to go back to sleep after Mandy came to wake Vic up. I couldn't. So I got out of bed about 7. Watched TV. Then went for a 40 minute walk with Vic and the Big Doo. We walked around the neighborhood and then through the wooded walking park behind the house. Nancy was in heaven. She is a hunting poodle, ya know. I am shocked and amazed at me. Awake before 9 am and exercise! Whoa!

Tuesday, November 19, 2002




Monday, November 18, 2002

I got a puppy! I got a puppy! I got a puppy! My new baby gets to come home next week. He'll be 7 weeks old and he's a brown poodle just like in that website, it's those puppies brother! What to name him? What to name him? I like....

Frank...to go with Nancy as in Sinatra :)


Herbert and call him Bert...Bert and Nancy...cute


Sunday, November 17, 2002

So what if I take showers with my poodle? She needed a bath and so did I. Misti bathes with her weines. All 3 of them!

Speaking of Poos...I want one of these *really* bad. This lady and I emailed back and fourth back in Sept and today she emailed me and said she had a litter new babies! I have always needed a brown std. poo!


Saturday, November 16, 2002

Sheesh. It's only been two days Moe!

We went to 2 banks and 1 credit union to gather information so that I may open a new account. Didn't like any of them. Vic says we should open our own bank, he had a whole ludicrous plan has to how to pull that off. I'm thinking of going with Uncle Eddy's (from National Lampoon) way of banking and just burying it in coffee cans and whatnot.

I've been trying to get myself in the holiday spirit but I'm feeling more and more Ebonezerish every day. Did anyone else notice that they replaced the horrid election TV commercials with Christmas ones? For Pete's Sake (ask Misti who Pete is if you are curious)!!! I'm trying to figure out my Thanksgiving plans and they want me to think about figgie pudding and Mr. Claus and stuff! But just in case anyone is wondering...*I* am cooking a turkey and all the fixins at *MY* house for the parents this year, just like last year. And I have begun shopping for Christmas.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Banks and Insurance companies bite my ass. I can't do much about the insurance co., but I stomped into my bank today and closed my account. They have been hasslin' me about changing my name since I began trying a month ago. Finally I thought we had it all taken care of 2 weeks ago when the chick said "Call and report your Check Card lost/stolen and they will send you a new one reflecting your new name, but wait until tomorrow...it won't go into the system until Midnight!" So I waited 3 days to let it get good and into their system. I called and told them, they verified my name and info (and it was my new name!) and I cut up my card. I've been without my card for a good 10 days. And today, Alas! The new one was glimmering in the mailbox. I open the envelope addressed to my new name only to find a card with my OLD name. WTF!?!?! So rather than bickering on the phone with some bitter person that hates their job, I went to the nearest branch and chewed on everyone I came in contact with. SO now I have cash and tomorrow I'm going to a local credit union and opening an account, and everyone at the Vista Ridge Compass Bank Branch knows so! Rather empowering if I do say so myself. Chalk one up for the little people.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Why is 8 Mile the best movie I've seen in a good while? Either there is a whooole lota crapola out there, or Mr. Melts-in-your-Mouth actually made something interesting. I mean, he was playing himself...but since he's kind of a joke. Idaknow, just a little disturbing that I truly enjoyed it.

Went to Gainsville to the outlet mall today. The Lenox store is closing and Moms wanted some more of her silverware since everything in there was 30% off. It was fun, Vic and I were like the only ones there. Wished I had more than $13 in my bank account.

Monday, November 11, 2002

If there was ever any doubt that we weren’t avid (read: pathetic) blog readers...it should be abolished. In less than 4 hours we all knew she was back. She's been gone for a month. Have we really all been checking? Yes. Sad to say, I have. Several times a day I check. Even after a month of silence. Anyway, thanks Andra for the song. I would tell a friend but I don't have anyone to tell that reads blogs. But I sang it aloud.

We had a busy day today. We started with lunch at On the Border. They opened one in Denton, pretty close to the house about a week ago. It’s one of my very favorite places to eat…taco salad…yummy! They also opened a Texas Roadhouse (blah) and soon Olive Garden's doors will swing wide open. Denton is movin' up in the world.

Next we went to get Vic a hair cut at "Quick Cuts and Fast Tans." I like to go with him to get a hair cut because the last time he went alone to this place he came home with "blonde" (more like orange) highlights. It took me a week to tell him he looked HORRIBLE, he liked it. We also went to Target to find a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie for Kelsi. I had a list of what she already had, and the two that she wanted most. Target only had ONE MK&A movie, so we left and went to Hastings. Let me tell you, they had quite the selection. Hastings built a brand spankin new building right next to their old one and they are all moved in. Coffee shop and all! They had at least a dozen MK&A movies to choose from, including the 2 that she wanted the most. And for only 7.99, I splurged and got her two!

Next it was time for the neurologist. A couple of weeks ago Vic was having some strange symptoms and I thought they were related to his brain surgeries. But with the way insurance is in this day and times; you must have a fucking referral to get into the doc that actually knows what is wrong. So I called the family practitioner that got me into my allergy doc and he saw Vic and referred him to this neurologist. All in all, I thought we had good news. It seems his muscle spasms are basically seizures. Or strokes. We aren't sure. But the MRI taken on 10/31/02 showed a pretty significant stroke spot, but only one and he has spasms several times a day. (and BTW: I know exactly when he had it. It was last Feb when we were sitting in our marriage class at UNT. I told him right then and there that he was having a stoke and he refused to go to the ER and told me I was being irrational. So I told the Dr. exactly what I saw and he said that was I was describing would have been a stroke in the exact part of his brain that the MRI showed. I don't claim to ALWAYS be right, but pretty damn close!) SO he started him on a drug that is commonly used for epilepsy. It's one that has been around for a good 20 years and is in the Zero-Zero category which is nice. That's what we need. I really liked this man, he seemed to know what he was talking about AND he seemed interested in Vic as a whole person, not just as a customer. The other things we saw in the MRI included a smaller AVM (which was the original reason for brain surgery...started the size of a golf ball, now it's barely visible...YEAH) and a GIANT cyst. He's had this cyst all his life but this Dr. wanted some old films to compare size, he thought it looked a little too big to be as sweet and innocent as Vic claims it to be. SO tomorrow I am taking the Dr. a set of MRI's from 1995 to compare. We should know more soon. SO you ask "Why is all this good news?" Because the AVM is much smaller than it was in 10/01 when he had the latest gamma knife to shrink it, so that was a success. We know, or at least have a path to, why he is having all of these strange symptoms. If this drug doesn't work, we can try some more aggressive drug therapies. And the cyst, well, that could potentially be bad news...but two out of three is good. So I'm just going to go with what Vic said and he thinks it's still the same size as it always was, therefore it's still A-OK!

Next to Allen. It takes about 45 minutes to get to Lance & Lori's house from Denton, but since we were supposed to be there no later than 5:30...we left at 4 to beat traffic. We were there early and Lori had to do some running around...so Vic and I stayed with Reagan for about a half hour. He is damn funny. We talked all about Bob the Builder, he wanted to know why he wasn't INVITED to our wedding, and if Vic was my Dad. We watched part of Fox and the Hound...so cute.

Once Lori returned, we all headed out to Autumn's soccer game. It was the 3rd game in a 4 game tournament. Autumn was the smallest girl out of both teams, but she had the ball A LOT! She is so small she just kind of runs circles around the other girls. Her team, the Yellow Jackets, won 1 to 0.

Next to dinner. We went to Two Rows. It was like a micro brewery w/out the brewery. I ordered cheeseburger pizza...everything that would be on a cheeseburger, but on a pizza minus the tomato sauce. I wish I had told then no large shards of plastic because I sure did get on in about my second bite! It was about the size of a nickel, but with a big sharp point. I spit it out, dried it off on my napkin, and handed it to the waitress. I got a new pizza, free. I can bite plastic in my pizza if it's free. Came in handy since we are broke ;).

Now we are home. Vic is watching the stupid football game. Seems it’s the 500th monday night football or something like that. I'm not exactly sure why that's cool, but he, Lance, and the TV are making a big deal about it. Whatever. So anyway, that was my busy day. It's just about bed time. Nice lizard by the way. Had you not put the penny next to it, and maybe placed it before some west TX landscaping...you could have told us it was a dinosaur you found in Andrews or something. Really time for bed.

Peace in the Middle East.

Saturday, November 09, 2002

I think I'm getting bed sores from sitting on my ass. I have done NOTHING all week. I did leave the house last night to take Vic his medicine at work cause he forgot to take it before he left. While I was out I went ahead and took the 2-day late movies back. Nancy rode with me. But today I haven't done much. Did load and unload the dishwasher. Ok, back to SNL.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

I totally thought that maybe the internet was broken because noone seemed to be blogging but I didn't think that could possibly be true. But it was. Really now. We must all try to do better. Including me.

Kelsi has to have surgery in the morning to pin her arm back together. Ouch. I'm off to the bank and post office. This is the first time I'm going to leave the house since um...Monday I think. I've been asleep.

I haven't been feeling good, I was posta go to the Dr. today but they called yesterday and cancelled it. Seems the Doc has a "family emergency." Um like, what's that all about. I go to her for my emergency. You mean to tell me the world doesn't revolve around me? Well, I never...

Sunday, November 03, 2002

It's totally been a weekend o' movies.

Jackass is great. I mean, a lot of times movies like that are only kinda funny. Like I thought they would include some stuff that was prolly funny to those who were there, but not to anyone else...but this one is just damn funny. The only part I had a hard time with was the self inflicted paper cuts between the toes and fingers. Couldn't watch that. I think that I may be sick and twisted though, because I had tears in my eyes from laughing to hard several times. Those guys are just straight dumbasses. Hence the name, I suppose.

I've also watched: Mr. Deeds (still betty betty sneaky); Forest Gump (still hate it); Pulp Fiction x2 (still rocks "I had to crash that Honda."); The Craft (never seen it all the way through and now I remember why); Almost Famous (so cute!) Tribulation Force-Left Behind 2 (the book was MUCH better); Frailty (enjoyed it as much as you can a movie like that...cool idea thou); and now I must go watch Insomnia.

Saturday, November 02, 2002

Punch Drunk Love. Weird. I love weird movies, but when I'm watching and it's not making sense--a line has been crossed. There are these scenes of color. Just lots of pretty colors swirling and frolicking around the screen with music for uncomfortable periods of time. And a gang of Deliverance looking brothers. Weird. I knew that I had to go see it, so I can't say that I wasted my money...but I wish that it hadn't looked so appealing to me.

In other news. Nathan is here, Vic's BF that's almost a Dr. Vic's been working and sleeping so it's just been Me and Nathan. Haven't done much because there isn't much to do.

Kelsi dislocated and broke her elbow. Lance called Wed night and told me. She was racing some boy at church and she swooped down to pick something up and ended up in the floor. Sadness! I had thought that I might get over there Thur or Fri...but I haven't. I'm about to call over there and see what they are doing today. I would bet that some sympathetic grandparents are in town though, so we shall see. If not this weekend, then next week!

I have to start researching how to make Nancy stop barking at the passers-by. She is driving me insane.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

We stopped in Sweet Water to get gas. Vic took Nanc out to the grassy knoll and I went in to get a bottled water. SO I passed Vic on the way out and assumed that he left the keys in the iginition (where I had left them). When I got there it was locked, so I assumed that he has taken them out. He walked out and saw me sitting on the concrete block next to the pump, just shaking his head. He was floored that I would leave the keys in the car. It made perfect sense to me. Leave them in so when he and Nancy got back in, he could turn it on. He said that I am to NEVER leave the keys in the car when I'm not in it. I grew up in Hobbs. He grew up on Army bases. Duh. I diddent know. Jeeze.

It really wasn't a big deal though, cause we have OnStar. We called their 800 # and they had it remotely unlocked in a jiffy. Technology is neat. If we hadn't had that we would have been in big trouble. We should have taught Nancy to unlock them. She was scared!

Anywho, we are home. Safe and sound. And Misti's house is cute. Her bedroom is a beautiful purple. She did such a good job!

Friday, October 25, 2002

We were supposed to be on the road 30 minutes ago and SOMEONE is still sleeping. I'm showered and packed. I just love going to H-town so much that I leap from my bed to go! It's drill weekend in Lubbock for the Army Reserves. I'm going to get my haircut and hang out with B & K...he's going to be a soldier.

I went to the meeting about being a teacher last night. I think maybe I can do it. But I'm LSC. That's Lacking Self Confidence. Hopefully that will change quickly.

Nancy slept in the floor last night. She's normally a bed hog but I think we are going to try and stop that. I'm tired of not sleeping good because my giant poodle has been ultra comfy all night. Does that make me a bad mother?

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

This has been the first day that being married is WEIRD. I do believe I've hit the point that I always have denied I'd come to. I came to the puter this morning not to look up movie times, not to float around aimlessly, not even to read to the news or check my mail. I came to the computer this morning to search for tips on making a pot roast. A month ago I would have scoffed at the chance of that EVER happening. But today that is what my life consists of. I packed his lunch, watched the View, and discovered that for the perfect pot roast it's best to brown it on both sides a smige in some oil before adding the water and whatnots. Next? Laundry, a nap, going to the cleaners to get his uniforms, and cooking the roast. I feel like I'm on an old black and white TV show. Not sure if it's Leave It To Beaver or The Twilight Zone....

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Went to the G-man for the yearly. I was so anxious I thought that I was going to explode. But I lived through it. Vic went w/ me and then we went to lunch. This was all yesterday, but I was so mentally exhausted that I had to take a nap.

We have been looking for treadmills and we are having issues paying that much for something that most people use as coat racks. But I really think that I will use it. I love to walk, but I hate "outside." Bugs, temperature, neighbors, etc. None for me thanks. So we have been to Sears twice and looked extensively online. We have come to the conclusion that we will start by walking the old fashioned way and if we keep it up for awhile we will reevaluate the need for a treadmill.

We got the weekly newsletter from his NY grandparents that goes out to a good 50 people or so. They were saying that they had been to our wedding in Vegas, welcomed me to the fam., yadda yadda...and then this:

"All in all a good weekend, met some fine western folks."

Is it just me or does anyone else think of Roy Rogers when they think of "western folks." It just makes me want to carry a shot gun, get a new pair of Justin ropers, and spit.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

I went to good ol' Friends of the Family today to beg for a job and no one worth begging was there. So I just sat around, answered the phone, and showed off wedding pictures. I did fill out an application since my name, address, and education level has changed since I was last hired there. I think all they have are shelter positions. I'm not too keen on the idea of chillin at an abused women's shelter...not too pleasant. And $9 an hour is not enough to put up with their crapola. SO from there I went to DCMHMR. That's Denton Co. Mental Health Mental Retardation. I got an application for a "Crisis Intervention Therapist." It's $12.80 an hour and it's more of the intake type job that I like. Just basic peer counseling. Fun stuff. I wanted to fill out the application there, but I seem to have misplaced my driver’s license. I just got it Tuesday and I didn't leave the house yesterday. Where-o-where? SO I'm on the hunt for that now and then I'll take the app. back tomorrow.

Then NEXT Thursday I'm going to the Region 11 "Teacher Preparation Program Meeting." It's the Q&A session about the alternative certification program like Misti went too. It's in Ft. Worth at 5:30 p.m. so traffic will be neat.

So I think that I'll work in the mental health field until next summer when I go to school for 5 weeks to be a teacher and then I'll teach. I hope to get the job at MHMR and make some good friends there so that when I start teaching I can go back and they can treat me. I've always wanted to be a teacher. I was even an education major for a year. Yeah. So it's no big deal that I'm not going to finish my masters right now. Just don't tell anyone, I've not announced it to the fam.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I talked for months about getting married. On here, in real life, in my sleep, everywhere. Then it came and went and I really haven't said much. I'm not sure why; there is SO much to say. But I think above all is that I had more fun than I could have ever imagined.

People were a tad horrified when we moved it to Vegas...If I had a dollar for every time someone said "Is Elvis gona be there?!" I wouldn't have to worry about being unemployed for the next few YEARS! But my wedding weekend met every expectation that I could have ever conjured up in my little bean!

There were friends, family, and neon lights. What else do you need? The people that were there were the ones that I really cared were there. There were a few that should have been there that were not, and there were a few that should have gone back to where they came from (read=Manhattan). Even with some general anxieties about meeting his mother for the first time, seeing his devil great aunt that mailed me a scale a month before the wedding (which I took back to Macy's yesterday...$67.84 baby!), and dealing with most other members of his family...it was wonderful. Ideally it would have been MY friends and MY family...but if his hadn't been there who would I have bitched about?!

So that's it. It was great. It was like all the people that I am close too all had to hang out together for me. And I think that everyone had a good time. I know there were a few incidences, but that's what liquor and lack of sleep does even to the best of us. I'm so glad that Vic and I made the decision to move it, and I am so glad that people supported us and came along for the ride. I felt really lucky to have so many FRIENDS there. They have always been the most important thing to me, they are my chosen family (it just happens that some really are family :))

I also have to note my new friend. Andra is cool. I so enjoyed you hangin out with us and I'm so excited you're bloggin! How come you never came to Lubbock when I lived with M & M? Anyway, thanks for the hair do...and just the general support...for some reason you made me remain calm. Too bad you couldn’t have had the same effect on Misti. I need your address. Will you email it to me? amandathegr8@bemoedee.com :)

Monday, October 14, 2002

I got up at 5:30 a.m. to cook Vic breakfast. You see, his normal work schedule is 7p-7a Fri and Sat and Sun 3-11. By Sunday night he is ready to be at home...that's a lot of hours real quick-like! So because I'm lacking in the job department, he picks up all the extra shifts he can...and this week there was a Sun 11p to 7a open. He took it. He went in for 16 hours straight. And think about an ER on a Sunday night…tons of people trying to get out of work the next day! He's like a little worker ant...amazing. So I thought that I would try out this new wifedom and get up and cook.

Yesterday I broke out the cookbooks and found a recipe for egg & sausage casserole that sounded tasteee and one for French toast. I went to the store and bought all lacking ingredients. Last night I cleaned the kitchen and got everything out and ready to go for my early morning attempt. I also did a few things like "cube" 3 slices of bread for the casserole...anything to save a little time!

By the time I finally went to bed, it was 3 am. And I was so anxious that I would over sleep or not hear my alarm, that I never *really* went to sleep. I had set the alarm for 5:55 (it would have been 5:45, but I had already cubed the bread!) but at 5:30 I threw in the towel and headed "my place." Hee hee. Snort.

I made the casserole first; it had to bake for 40 minutes. It was pretty easy...just browning the meat, beatin the eggs...no biggy. Then came the frickin' toast. My first dilemma came when the list of ingredients included 1/4 a cup of sugar, but then in the instructions the sugar was never added. I freaked. What to do? Call B&K!!! So I called H-town at 6:30 a.m. TX time...in that moment of panic I forgot the time difference. I only lived there 18 years. SO Bob was up, but Kay is the one I really needed. She was thrilled. But we talked it though and decided that I should cross reference other French toast recipes to see if they added sugar to the batter or if the one I was using possibly meant *powered* sugar for a garnish when it listed it in the ingredients. The two others I looked up did indeed include sugar, Mom and I were both relieved!

Next it says to soak the slice of bread for 2 minutes and then put it in the pan. My big question is HOW IN THE HELL IS ONE SUPPOSED TO TRANSFER SOGGY ASS BREAD?! Even my biggest spatula couldn't tackle this job. SO my first piece looked more like a charred ball of mashed potatoes. I would have never thought bread expanded that much!!

That's when Vic arrived. He was thrilled, but he couldn't stop giggling about HIS first piece of toast. The next one got a little better. By the third and final piece, I was a pro. It was perfect. I think it had to do with the butter/oil mixture had all been absorbed by the first 2 attempts...but in any case, third time was a charm. It is, however, a good thing that egg soaked fried bread repulses me, because there wasn't enough for both of us.

The casserole was divine. I impressed both of us :). So we ate, watched a little news, and hit the hay around 8. I've been up since 1...but I could use another nap. I get to wake him up at 4 though, so I am going to try to resist and maybe sleep normal hours tonight.

My wife attempt was overall a success. I do have a tip though. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to make French toast in the nude. The grease splatters even more than sausage. Ouch.

Friday, October 11, 2002

We got home to the army's news letter. This is in the opening paragraph:

"I need to keep all soldiers informed that the 40*5th is probably as close to having soldiers mobilized as possible. There are numerous rotations which will be taking place within the next few months, and this tells me that we should anticipate a call in the near future."

Vic's in the 40*5th. Neat. Welcome back to reality.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

So yeah, it seems fitting that I'm on my honeymoon and I stopped by the hotel library to check the boxes. We haven't left the hotel, and for the most part haven't left the room. But we have had a wonderful time, don't have disentary, and are both well baked. I'm ready to come home though, we both miss Nance soooooooooooooooo much. We land at 4 tomorrow and should be home by 6ish.

The phone lines should be tied up though, Kay has already called HERE twice today. Ha ha.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Hung over. Plane delayed an hour. Luggage lost. Supposed to get home at 7 and just walked in.


Anyway, I have to wash a load of clothes and hit the sack. NOW. Must sleep.

I'm married. Weird.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

HEY BABY!!!!!!!

Let's go to Vegas! Kiss the single life GOOD-BY-HI!

I'm procrastinating. I don't want to pack. I hate packing. I want Vic to pack for me, but then I might end up in camoflauge. But I do want to go to Vegas. So that I can drink, smoke, and be married. Drink Smoke Drink Smoke Drink Smoke Srink Dmoke Srink Dmoke.

I'm wild. I guess I've always been wild. I just wasn't married until now.

Ha ha.

Ok, I'll see you in Sin City. At the Alter.

(the above was the email that I just sent to J-Ko.)

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Don't bother seeing One Hour Photo. It's a neat story of a pitiful little man, but it's really not entertaining much at all. I considered a nap, but I had bought some jelly belly beans at Albertson's just before the movie so I entertained myself with a game of "guess what flavor."

Saturday, September 28, 2002

I finally have my dress and Mandy knows how to bussel me. Glory be!
It was my last Friday night to do whatever I wanted before I get married. I watched a little TV, I talked on the phone to my Grandma for an hour, I learned the basic stitches to knit. That's right. I sat in front of my computer with knitting needles in hand and follwed along with "Knitting Made Easy--Interactive CD-ROM" and then sat in bed until 4 a.m. practicing. I'm going to make a fine knitter. Makes me feel a little more worthy in the wife category. Vic can tell his friends "She might not be such a great cooker or cleaner...but BOY HOWDY, she can KNIT!" Makes me proud.

Friday, September 27, 2002

Glad to know he's (probably) Icelandic. I thought maybe that was alien I was attempting to read. Sure did sign his "gestabok." I practiced my new name on it. One weird thing deserved another. How on earth did he find you!?!?!

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

So I decided to take a shower and do a practice with my hair last night. I blew it dry with my best hair products in it, on cold w/ my diffuser. I attempted to place my pretty head piece on my head exactly like the picture in the magazine. That girl must have a frickin' cone head! So I played with it until Mandy stopped laughing. It seems that I'm going to have to wear it up, WITH a veil thing. Kinda like Meestee's with just the poof tail hanging in the back. Where o' where will I find an ivory poof tail? Here is what I've come up with:


I now have:

2 yards of ivory tulle
1 clear plastic comb
2 boxes of the smallest beads they make in pearl and clear
1 beading needle
1 spool of clear thread
1 imagination

I will accomplish this. It is a test of my true abilities to be a handy dandy house wife. Rock on. May the force be with me.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Ok, so I broke down and called him. I'm glad I did. Mr. Ronnie is alive and doing well. AND he has email! Yeah, I love email. I sent him my websites, including this one. So maybe he'll stop by, and if he does....HOWDY! You know, I've known him for 10 years! That's a long time...almost 1/2 my life! Wowzers! I'm getting old. But he's even older...I suppose you turned the big 3-0 this year. Pretty soon you'll get the sr. citizen discount. hee hee.
My shower(s) were wonderful. It was a full day of just me, which meant that I was totally stressed out. Thank God for Coors Lite. It is completely overwhelming to receive so many gifts all at once. My big shower was fancy and lovely, complete with a piano player and delicate snacks. My night time shower was complete with a cowboy hat w/ a crown & veil and hard liquor.

Thank you notes start sounding like answering machines (stupid, generic, and meaningless) when you are forced to write so many. It's a good thing that I am unemployed.

And this year's award for Courage and Bravery goes toooo....Marissa the Marvelous! Yeah for her Dr. visit!

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Hoo Hum. I can't sleep. This is getting to be annoying. As if 5 years of insomnia wasn't enough, now when I'm supposed to look as fresh and new as the morning dew I'm going to look tired and haggered. Poop on anxiety.

Tired the Noah's Ark game on Yahoo? Stupid and cheezy? Yes. Amusing? Yes, that too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

So the night before the wedding when there would typically be a rehearsal dinner, there will just be a dinner (no rehearsal, no rehearsal dinner). So it's just like we are all going to dinner and whoever wants to go can go, but everyone pays for their own. I'm not real sure about this; it's all FVN's family planning.

That's not the part that I want to type about, I really don’t care what we do Friday. I want to type about the fact that we are going to "Hole in the Wall." Yes, you read correctly, the name of the restaurant is one that is typically reserved for drinking establishments. FVN3 saw it on TV and "heard" that it's good. #3 told #4 about it and he thought it was cool. Seems that years ago these Italian dudes bought it because it is (was?) right next to a jewelry store. The opened a restaurant there and everything was normal. THEN they tunneled through the wall into the jewelry store and stole all the jewels. That's all I know and that is more than enough to tell me that I'm marrying into an INSANE family. Numbers 3 and 4 think this story is REALLY neat. Therefore the night before MY wedding will be spent in an Italian joint called Hole in the Wall.

Monday, September 16, 2002

So last night I dreamt that I was in this huge court room in my wedding dress and the jury was all of the people that I've forgotten to send invitations to. And the judge was this man, Bill Briley, that used to work for Billy Walker for like a million years and I've known my whole life and he retired about 5 years ago. Yeah, I hadn't even REMEMBERED that I had forgotten him, but he was looking at me over the top of his glasses (like he always did in real life) shaking his head slowing with a big hammer thing in his hand.

What do yall think this means?!?!

I still have 19 days left of this torturous anxiety.

Paxil, take me away!

Friday, September 13, 2002

Ahhh, zank you, Confusious. You word of wisdom come of great help.

Like I totally thought that you had like entered a contest or something and we were really going to go to FL to see their house. But no. I was terribly disappointed.

If I were anymore worthless I would totally stop existing. I got up at 9 and then took a nap from 1-4. That wouldn't be bad, except that's what I do everyday. Vic took a nap too, but he has to go to work at 7pm and stay til 7am. Me, well, I have to watch some TV. Maybe eat some dinner. OH! And let Nancy out to pee at least once or twice. Then I must go back to bed. Neat.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Bob said I couldn't get married in my Buddy Holly's. So I got contacts today. I feel like I have someone elses eyes in my head cept I can see. I keep wanting to close them really tight and not open them. I forgot the container deal and solution they gave me so Vic is fixin to take me to the store to purchase those items. I am ready to take these bastards out, they's been in for almost 5 hours and that's enough for one day.

So I'm off to AN Albertson's and then to A Taco Bueno and on my way home I will pass THE Harley Dealership.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

I can't help myself...

What on earth does your mother have with "i's?" MistI, HeidII??? And is the "butane route" somewhat similar to "the one way?"

Or as David Lee Roth once said, "I wish they all could smalltown giiiiirlzzz!"

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Are we all so busy that we don't have a second to blog? I KNOW that Relay refined the typing speed of all who worked there. It really does only take a second...

I had a battle with me last night on getting to class. I turned around to come home 3 times. But, I made it. I'm proud of me.

The wedding is only 25 days from today. People that are engaged for long periods of time are insane. And if they weren't before they were engaged for a long time, they are by the time it's done. We decided to get married back in May. Five months is MORE than plenty for this stuff. It's long enough so that people know it's not a shot gun wedding, but short enough to not make me wait unnecessarily.

Nancy is SO ready to have legitimate parents.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

I want to learn how to knit. I think that would be a good thing for me to know. I bought this magazine in Midland a few weeks ago about beading. All the stuff that I like requires a basic knowledge of knitting. I should take lessons.

The world lost a good four-legged friend yesterday. We will all miss Misti's weenie.

Friday, September 06, 2002

This is absolutely excellent. It totally made my night. It's a extra big fat girl online zine. Cool.


That, of course, stands for super-sized big beautiful women. I must also include this article. It made me chuckle.

What If?

What if fat was healthy because fat people had some cushioning and some reserve food stores to live on, and skinny people were said to be putting themselves at risk, and stigmatized for making this stupid health decision?

What if people went up to skinny girls in the street and said "Oh, you’d be beautiful if you’d just gain weight!"

Or "You’re thin, but you’re beautiful on the inside!" Or looked at me like I was in some way sick and disgusting?

What if all clothes below size 10 came in girly pastels, with the reasoning that small women are underdeveloped and childish?

What if they were called ‘minus sizes’?

What if thin people had to go to special stores to buy clothes, because none of the regular stores wanted to stock clothes for them, saying that they’re disgusting and their patrons wouldn’t want to look at them?

What if all models were a size 16 or above, but every once in a while you’d see a "minus size" model in a size 8 cut to make her look larger?

What if "too fat" wasn’t the greatest thing, because it was acknowledged to not be terribly healthy, but the models who were "too fat" still got all the modeling jobs, and they were told that they might want to lose a little weight but nobody took it seriously? And meantime "too fat" was infinitely better than "too skinny"?

What if thin people were depicted in the media as obsessed with exercise and starving themselves, and thus not sexually interested? And fat people were depicted as able to enjoy their food, and their lovers, with relish?

What if a TV character as popular as Friends’ Monica was depicted as once having been thin, not even unhealthily so, and she was the butt of jokes for that?

What if X percent of the American population was labeled "underweight"?

What if food commercials focused not on low-fat, but high in nutrients to gain weight?

What if people said "I don’t understand what’s wrong with skinny people. All they have to do is eat! It’s not that difficult. They must be pretty stupid not to figure that out."?

What if there were no labels saying "Low Fat" but instead they said "High Fat"?

What if magazines ran stories on "How to Maximize the Glory of your Curves"?

What if 7-year-old girls, copying their moms, asked their friends "Does this make me look too skinny?"

What if magazines ran bogus ads for weight gain powder? And the ads said "Mary gained 25 pounds in 8 weeks combining a high-nutrient diet, exercise to gain muscle mass, and Product X"? And they showed a picture of Mary wearing baggy clothes to make her look skinny and waifish, while in the "After" picture she was trim and tan? And women looked at Mary, who didn’t need to gain weight to begin with, and say "If she’s skinny, I must be a stick" and started gorging themselves?

What if thin people had to pay more for clothes and underwear and almost no pretty bras came in anything under a size 40?

What if there was an operation to enlarge the size of one’s stomach or inject fat under the skin?

What if middle-aged women were admired because they had put on some weight after age 30 and young women were simply ‘too thin’?

What if kids made jokes like "Your mama’s so thin, she blew away when I flapped my arms"?

What if people talked to thin people slowly on the assumption that they were like children?

What if thin people had to learn to be witty, because else they would be utterly ignored by the opposite sex?

What if studies showed that thin could also be healthy, not just fat, but the mass media only paid lip service to them?

This would be ridiculous.

Then why is the reverse still OK?

—Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

So B & K called last night and said they were leaving at 4 a.m. to come spend the night with me. It was like 9 or so. So here I am, up early to clean and I'm soooo procrastinating. They didn't give me much time to hide the whips and chains...

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

She went out w/ Woody again last night. And then she brought him to the house. I waited awake in bed until he left and when I went into her room at 1 a.m. she had a very red face. I asked her why. She said "He has a goatee." I told her it wasn't too late to turn this into a double ceremony.....

She kicked me out of her room.

There is hope for her yet!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

So Mandy had a date tonight. With a cop named "Woody" from Flower Mound. She had fun. UNTIL she came home to find a nasty ass cottonmouth/water moccasin coiled up on the "Welcome" mat on MY porch. She stepped on the mat, freaked, and slowly backed up. She tapped on the window which made my guard poodle go insane. Vic opened the door and slammed it. He didn't want the poodle go get out. I hurried and grabbed her collar, and he crept out. The snake had then moved to the front of the porch.

Back up. Last week we went to Lowe's Hardware for 2 damn hours. During that time he insisted among other things, that we purchase a "flat hoe" because "what if we have a snake?"

Ok, so he sneaks past the snake to his truck where the hoe is still laying. He comes back to the porch and strikes and holds the flat hoe on the slithery's neck. Mandy got the flash light so we could all see better. Nancy was having a fit. The snake was flippin and floppin, it even coiled its body around the flat hoe handle! Finally, he sawed it's head off. Body still movin around. It was SO gross.

I'm forever scarred. I will never walk out of this house again and not be looking for pit vipers. My dad and I saw a copperhead right after I first moved in, and now this!

And did I tell yall that Vic had already chased a little racer snake out of the garage???

I'm moving to Antarctica. No snakes, no bugs. I'll get used to there being no people...

Monday, August 26, 2002

I went to a "first day" of school. I'm proud of me. It was Rehabilitation Counseling Theories. I was scared of this class before today; it sounded hard. Ok, not hard, just like it was going to require more effort that I wanted to give. But he wants us to "discover ourselves." He says that to go into counseling that one must have some unresolved issues and that we must confront them. Basically a nicer way of saying shrinks are nuts...you know, the "takes one to know one" thing. Anyway, we only have one "big" paper and it's just 12 pages, 8 sources! And it's all about MY theory of counseling. I think that's cool.

On a side note, there is a man in my class that has a big silver hook for a hand. I liked it and decided that the next time I see him I'm going to tell him I think it's cool. We walked to the coke machine together. There is also a dude in a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury, and a chick with a noticeable speak problem due to a brain injury. There are only 14 people in the class. That is why rehab is so cool. There are people with some real challenges and they are overcoming them. My challenges are: procrastination, making excuses, laziness, being judgmental, and just generally being a bitch. I just think I have real problems until I am around people with REAL real issues.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

It's supposed to be raining here and all it is is windy. I left SE NM/ west TX to get away from sand storms. Blick!

Friday, August 23, 2002

I love to be corrected only to find out that the one who corrected was also WRONG. There is a certain personal satisfaction in that. So here's to Miss Mist: Plllllllllllbbbbbbbbbbb. Not as smart as she thought!

This should be a lesson. Don't fucking correct me, I know I'm a tard. I have the learning disability papers to prove it.
I almost forgot!!!


I made pita pizzas for lunch today and they were SO good. Vic ate 2! We had them with salad. Yummy.

Bag 'o pitas
Small jar of pizza sauce

Pre-heat oven (or toaster oven) to 350. Put pitas on a cookie sheet, spoon however much sauce covers it (usually 2-3 regular size spoons) and spread it to the edges. Use either deli sliced, or grated cheese and cover sauced area to taste. Bake for 6-8 minutes.

I am a regular chef these days. I'm cooking dinner also, I thawed chicken. Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.

I should start a cooking show. "One Fat Lady" will be the title. Every day I will wear beautiful fashions and a different apron. I will walk out fashionably cool and then pick up my apron that enhances my attire. Then I will cook something fun and easy and sometimes semi-ly healthy. This show will have multi purposes. It will be to show that most fat people eat normally and are not oinkers like portrayed on TV. It will also encourage clothes makers to make fat girl clothes since my show will be such a hit they will want me to wear their clothes. I will have different guests on there that come to share easy recipes and I will fly them to my show on Delta Airlines because they are fat friendly. On Fridays we will have drink recipes and I will invite lots of girls and we will get sloshed on the air, kind of like the View...but drunk.

Ideas like this make me gitty.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Again, if something is understandable, then you need not ask questions. If Carson is the one being shaved, then who's nippled do you think got chopped. Take two seconds and process.

And I *worsh* my hair, thanks. So does Bob. So does Kay. Talk to them.

People who are MEAN do typically hate to fall asleep. They are scared of what will happen to them in their sleep. Baw wha wha wha!

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Sorry, I didn't go to a rich school district like some. As long as you knew what I meant, then that's all that matters. Don't correct me, Miss "I eat at Boo-Fays and shop at Alcozzz."

Vic FINALLY met Lance and Lori and the gang. We met them for dinner in Frisco at La Hacienda Ranch. It was fun. Lance seems to have lost some weight. Kelsi is about my height and her feet looked almost as big.

Afterwards we went to the grocery store to get some grub. We are going to only eat at home and we are going to eat healthier. You know, Lean Cuisine pizza's rather than Tombstone. No, we got lots of good veggies and stuff too. Including Cran-Grape Juice LITE! It's made with Splenda, which I love! Bob being diabetic and all; I know my artificals sweetners.

Carson got a shavin' today and Vic damn near cut off a nipple. But he stopped bleeding shortly after I put Neosporian on it. He looks awful snazzy, like the little lion he is. He was asking about Ms. Judy today. He was thinking about getting together for some 'Nip or tongue bath or somethin....

I plee the 5th. I do not know anything about the "GG's." And I've always like both MASH and the Twilight Zone, but not when there is other stuff to choose from. Those are only to fall back upon.

Mandy's VERY conservative Mom (Gwen) and Sister (Casey) will be joining us in Lost Wages for the weddin. They are in for a shock!

Monday, August 19, 2002

I am marrying a damn TV Nazi. He must be in control of the flipper or he starts to shake and foam at the mouth. Usually I deal; I don't mind the old reruns of Mash, the Twilight Zone, or even Back to the Future (twice today). But I have to put my foot down when it comes to the freakin' football game. Is it supposed to matter that the Broncos are playing? I think not. So here I am, pissed off...ready to get divorced except I'm not married yet...on the computer. I would leave, but I haven't taken a shower today (which seems to be a common occurrence lately). Maybe I'll leave stinky. Ha! Yes! I'm going to Quizno's.

Hippity Bobbity Shazam! May the Broncos the biggest loozzzzers of the season, tonight and forever!
3 months?!?! My ass! It's 47 days from today, that's just a little over 6 weeks! Holy wedding veils!

I'm home, kitty missed me so much. Mandy killed a scorpian while we were gone, the bug man will be here in the morning, 10 sharp!

Sunday, August 11, 2002

Oh yeah, I forgot to add....Neither Misti or I have gotten dressed today. We did leave the house twice to get food. Other than that we laid in either her bed or on the couch. Worthless, I say!
I'm at Misti's. I've been in Hobbs for SO long. I finally took a break on Friday and came to Midland. We went out last night to Logan's, Chelsea's, and Grahm's (sp?). We drank too much in too little time. It was fun though, I saw 2 Hobbs people. One was the doorman at the last place. I went to school w/ him from like 4th grade on. Never once had I spoken to him before my drunken friendly self introduced me last night. He acted like he didn't know me, but he did. I'm not even that cocky, but I know that he knew me. The other was this guy that I totally recognized his name, but didn't his face. He was 2 years younger than me and a thug (I think) and he approached me in the parking lot and used the same line that I did to the door man..."Aren't you from Hobbs?!" SO not only is Odessa full of Andrews people...they must all be mingling with H-town people. Small world.

I'm going back to Hobbs tomorrow to wait for Vic to come back (he flew back to DFW on Thursday to work all weekend) and we might be getting a new addition to the family. No, not another furbaby, but a truck. Yeah! I really want to get rid of his truck. I hate it. We will be in Hobbs til Friday then Lubbock til Sunday. Most people when they go on two week vacations choose somewhere other than Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas.

I miss my Kitty Witty, we left him at home! My Fancy Nancy is in Hobbs though with her Grandparents and Uncle. She's got a sinus infection.

Sunday, August 04, 2002

I had to get my Bob a birthday present (it was yesterday, but I'm going home tomorrow) and a purple tie for each Bob and Will for the wedding AND a black and gold tie for Will for his Sr. pics. SO I head out to the mall. Little did I know what lurked before me. You see, it was "tax free" weekend. It was wild. It was hot. And I was bitchy. I told this little crying kid in Northpark mall to "MOVE." His mother looked at me like I was the devil. I was.

I mean, for ba-jeesie's sake. It's a whooping 7.5 percent sale. On CLOTHING items that cost less than $100 ONLY. That's really not that neat. I mean, I would rather not pay it than pay it. But still. There was no need for every person in the greater DFW area to follow me to the mall.

The man did mess up and not charge me tax for my dad's shirt. It was 55 over 100 and he didn't notice. And all 3 ties were already 50% off. A heck of a deal. But I still would have rather paid the extra money and been the only person at the mall.

I don't like crowds, especially ones of fake breasted snotty women. Yuck.

Friday, August 02, 2002

I have been building invitations. If you build them, they will come. I hate my invitations. They aren't pretty. I got Carrie William's invitation in the mail and it is beautiful. Much prettier than mine. Vic told me I was being stupid and they she probably had a much bigger budget and that I'm getting caught up in the whole wedding "hoop-la". Whatever. Her's are better.

I'm going home on Monday and Mom sent Rowdy to the beauty shop in honor of our arrival. Nancy goes tomorrow before she graduates. Two beautiful Poo's, how splendid.

Today should be Cousin's last day of hell. Where-oh-where is she? Tell us, are you now a real live teacher???

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Today is my last day of work. I'm happy and I'm sad. I'm happy because tonight Vic and I are going to register for wedding presents and to look at trucks. But I really like it there, so I am sad. But I'm still going to volunteer. We are going to lunch for me today, a bye bye lunch. I hate things done in my honor.

Kitty is out of food and he KEEPS talking. He ate a ton this morning, and he still has crumbs in his bowl. So Vic just went to Pet Smart because Carson things he may die. Poor, poor skinny turkey!

I'm going to Hobbs next week and so is Vic. How you ask? Because he quit his week job. Just walked away. He hated it. That is the perfect example of if you don't like what you are doing, then money means nothing. He was still taking X-rays, but the population was totally different. Think about who the people are that can't get to the hospital to take X-rays. Yes, that's right, extremely old people and retarded people. He likes the excitement of the ER, not the smell of death. Poor thing, he tried. That must by why they pay you twice as much to do portables. But he ask for a raise in his weekend job and is applying for a part time "PRN" (means "as needed") job during the week. SO they would call him and say "Hey, dude, like can you come in and take some X-rays?" And he can say "totally" or "no waaaay." SO that would be cool. He needs something though, I am steady trying to be a housewife and he needs to bring home the bacon! Hee hee.

Monday, July 29, 2002

I have so been meaning to ask! How was Moby?
I miss my poodle doo soooooooooo much. I always get mad at her, but now that she has been gone over a week I am SO ready for her to come home! I called today to check on her and they didn't call me back until I had already left for work. I know she is doing wonderful though, she was college material from day one. She graduates on Saturday and I can't wait.

I got my car back today too. It's been at the Dr. for a long time. Nina, a co-worker of mine, took me this afternoon when she got off to get it. That was very nice of her. I was hopeing they would give it a surprise bath, but they didn't...it's still a dusty brown color rather than black.

I missed the first episode of Sex and the City last week, but I watched it last night. I have to say that I didn't think it was too funny. Carrie's hair looks adorable though. Very becoming. I hope they aren't loosing their edge with all the babies and what not. But there is just nothing about a Catholic crissening (sp?) that I find amusing.

My mother purchased bubbles today for the wedding. I *hate* bubbles. As if my wedding is not sporting enough of a trashy overtone with it being in Vegas and all...now Kay decides to buy wedding cake & champagne bottle shaped bubble containers. She also bought chocolate coins that say "Vic and Amanda 10.5.02". I won't even go there.

Did I mention that I'm getting married in flip-flops? Yes. It's true.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Office Depot only had a 3 hole punch and a single hole punch. They also had ones that punched hearts and stars. But no double punchers. Damn the man.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

"Sluts just heal quicker."
-Sophia on The Golden Girls

ha ha ha ha ha ha

I was flipping the channels and this is what I heard. Damn funny. Not funny enough to actually watch the show, but still.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

I've been in Vegas since Saturday, just got back. We had fun. We stayed at Luxor and just hung out, even got drunk. That was the first time we'd done that together our 2 year relationship. Vic had never been to Vegas. He liked it, but he doesn't want to like it. He called it Babylon. Ha ha, so true. I went to an oxygen bar and they hooked my hose up and I inhaled, very cool. My headache disappeared. We bought some art, originals, Tom Everhart. Cool. We flew home first class. Cool. I felt like a princess. Vic said I am. Oh-sugary-sappy-sweet. Guess that's how it's posed' to be when you are out there planning your wedding. I'm even more excited! Yeah for getting/becoming a ball & chain!

So that is my excuse for not blogging. Humpt.

Thursday, July 18, 2002

SO yeah, I've been at work since 8 am. I'll be here til 9 pm. And ALL I want is a frickin' coke. I don't have 2 quarters to purchase one from the machine. My car says "CHECK CHARGE SYSTEM" on the dash board, meaning, I am sick and need a doctor/mechanic. SO I'm fixin' to take my "lunch" and rather than eating, I'm going to get an allergy shot and take my car to the doctor and get a rental. I might take longer than an hour and stop and get a coke. Yeah, just maybe. What are they going to do, fire me?

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

You know the moral of that story? It goes along with Oprah's advise about thank you notes. Don't use the gift until you have written and mailed the TU-note. If that man hadn't spent the $100, there wouldn't have been a raffle for a dead donkey.

The other moral to that story is people are stupid. You can get away with anything if you promise them a chance of happiness. Though I'm not sure why in hell anyone would waste $2 on a chance that they *might* win a donkey. What does one do with a donkey?

Mandy gave me her prescription pain drugs. Bitchin' dude.
A city boy, Kenny, moved to the country and bought a donkey from
an old farmer for $100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.
The next day the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the donkey died.

Kenny: "Well then, just give me my money back."
Farmer: "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."
Kenny: "OK then, just unload the donkey."
Farmer: "What ya gonna do with him?"
Kenny: "I'm going to raffle him off."
Farmer: "You can't raffle off a dead donkey!"
Kenny: "Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he is dead."

A month later the farmer met up with Kenny and asked, "What happened
with that dead donkey?"

Kenny: "I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a
piece and made a profit of $898.00."
Farmer: "Didn't anyone complain?"
Kenny: "Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back."

Kenny grew up and eventually became the chairman of Enron.
You see, I hadn't heard from my Aunt since March. But she is back, and she is pissed that she's been away so long. I am the devil and no one wants to hear one thing that I have to say. Grrrr. I am eatin Midol like candy and still all I do is scowl.

I'm watching a wedding story and it's Tercel and Veronika. NO shit. My wedding could be at a junk yard and it would be prettier. I could wear my black lace bell bottoms and I would look more bridely. I could not wash my hair until Oct 5th and it wouldn't be as shiny as Veronika's. I think they did this one just to ease my worries about mine not being beautiful. This gives me something to aim for. It must be better than what is on TV today.

Sex and the City starts back up on Sunday. Helllzzzz yeazzz-owe! I'm going to Lubbock this weekend and then Vegas on Monday. Vic needs to do laundry or I'm not going to have anything to wear.

I must go wax my pitch fork.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

BTW: Those glasses make me wish that I was blind. :)
I found my gifts for all my wedding party people. Whooo hooooo! They all rock. I just hope Vic agrees to it all. The dudes gifts are a little fun-ky! For that matter, so are mine. But they are special too. I want one. I think I might get the hostests with the mostest of my shower the same, just smaller because they are THAT cool.

Friday, July 12, 2002

It rained here today and it was so pretty. I was taking a nap and it woke me up and I stayed in bed and watched it out of my big windows. It was so happy.

I talked to Kurt (Slap) today and he was calling to find out where everyone was staying. He and Pud are for sure coming to Vegas. That's rocks. I've not seen either in TOO long!

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

So the vet on wheels came to visit Nancy this morning. She has yeasty beasties in her ear. Yes, that's right, a yeast infection in her ear. Um, can we all collectively scream GROSS. She plucked it, cleaned it, and gave her some ointment. That's a gross word. Anywho, Nancy was such a brave girl! I will include the link to the vet on wheels cause it was cool. She also now weights 54 lbs! That's 10 more than when we got her 6 months ago! She's a precious poodle!


Vic started a new job today. He is working 9 to 5. Trying to make a livin'! He's working for a portable X-ray place. Don't think we don't get a company MINI-VAN, cause we do. Vic's pimpin the family-mobile. I drive a bonneville and he a mini-van. People will think that we have at least 6.5 children! But, no, the explanation is much simpler than that. We are just not "hip" anymore. Well, I'm not...I don't know if he ever was. Hee hee. Anyway, he's keeping the other job too. That means he will now work 72 hours a week. Holy damn Uncle Sam! So the only time he is not working is when I am at work. What's a girl to do?

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Moby rocks. I'm jealous. I knew they were giving that away and it is bad ass that you won. If Misti doesn't blog soon, I'm going to vomit all over her pathetic whinnnny hiney bitching about packing for a the trip to see her lovely in-laws. I'm getting married in Vegas. Cool. I'm going to read my book. I need to finish it soon. I ordered 7 books today off of Amazon.com. I have to read them all in less than 3 months because they are all wedding/marriage books for Christian couples. I'm really getting worried about this whole wifey thing. SO I'm going to read books about how to do it, you know, like an instruction manual. I need "Marriage for Dummies." MISTI! You could write it! Hardy har har. I love you!

Friday, July 05, 2002

Yesterday was my birthday, thanks for the thrill. I printed them off and took them to my box to, uhhh, DREAM. Yeah, that's it, dream. But I cleaned up the mess, so don't tell my Mom. You're one fine pussy cat, Ms. Blewm! -Carson

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

I'd like a picture of Ms. Blewn.
With a good shot of all 6 jugs.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

So did anyone else see that cigs went to 7 bucks a pack in New York? WTF?!?! They interviewed this lady and she had a smokers cough and she said "It'll cost me 25 thousand dollars a year to keep smoking!" I was amazed! But then, I did the math and that's like how much it would cost for her if she smoked 9.78 packs a day, that would 8.15 cigs per hour. And where as I know that if there is some CL in your system, you might be able to smoke 8.15 cigs an hour, that is actually highly unlikely because that would be for 24 hours a day. And if there is CL in your system you are going to need to sleep it off so she won't be able to smoke 24/7 to be able to smoke $25,000 in smokie treats, so whatever! Ms. Cough was full of it, and not just nicotine!

Sunday, June 30, 2002

I have had a completely worthless weekend. I had intended on being Martha Jr. and turning this house into a home, but I didn't. I did do the laundry and hung a few pictures. I made my bed too. WHOOA!

I have talked on the phone a lot too. I talked to my friend Kristina in Phoenix. She and I were best friends from when we were 4 until she moved in 3rd grade. We've always kept in touch, but in the college years it's been less frequent. None the less, I remembered her mom's phone number and I was just sitting in the chair Friday night and thought "I should tell Krissydeena that I'm gettin' hitched." SO I picked up the phone, called, and she answered her mom's phone. We talked for like 2 hours. It made my day. She's coming to the wedding. She hasn't been to Hobbs since we were in 7th grade and I haven't seen her since summer of 97 when I went to Phoenix to look at schools. I am so excited. She has a 3 year old little girl, Hannah, now too and I can't wait to see her either.

Ok, I'm going to continue being a veggie. G'nite.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Just to reinforce my last post, I feel the need to share today's email from my Aunt, my mom's sister, of course:

"hi, how is every thing? What is Vic's last name? I went up to silver city today-they didn't have what i went after. kay has been e-mailing me and I really enjoy it. i have towels washing. i need to take a walk. love, cindy"

And people wonder why I'm so random. THIS IS WHY. I was born with it. It is a disease and I'm infected. SO, I'll write like I would all the time if I didn't try and make myself get control and be "normal" aka "unlike my family."

I love Thursday nights, that means I don't have to go back to work until Monday. Except for every 6th Friday, because we rotate those. I finished up all my stats for June today, usually I'm late with those, but I have everything done except for the Spanish and Women's groups. Rock on. When I got home and out of the car my tire was hissing. I ran into get Vic and he went to look, there is a giant nail in it. I bet all the air will be long gone by morning. He said that he would teach me how to change it. Oh, contraire moe-fraire. No sir, I informed him that I am a Princess. He laughed and said a princess without a carriage. Damn the man. Vic hung my door knocker key hanger thing on the wall, it looks cool. Today I had on a T-shirt with a picture of 3 flip-flops on it, and the flops that Misti gave me for my birthday that have pineapples on them. My foot has a pineapple tattoo on it. Erica noticed this and pointed it out. Cool, huh? Not really, I know. Nancy has started peein' in the floor when any new person comes to the door, so the next time you come over be sure you don't greet her on the carpet. I was going to walk and lift weights with Mandy tonight but she isn't here, maybe Vic wants too. I will go see.

I spit that out in like 3 minutes. That’s what races threw my mind, and tonight I left it unfiltered for you all to see. You may thank me now for NOT writing like this. Good night.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

This is today's 3rd email from my mom, I copy and pasted directly:

"You can go to Hunts.com and there are so many good receipes I did not know which ones to print and their websight is easy and cute. Did you know that October is National tomato month? You are getting married in the month of tomatoes, Cool. Time to take Rowdy to be beautified. mom"

If anyone has ever had any doubt where my oddness came from, the confusion should now be cleared up. I'm off to work.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

"Friends don't let Friends Fly Southwest Airlines."

That was the signature line on an email I just got. Fat people crack me up.

Oh yeah, and Pimp Daddy Witty said to tell yo' pussy "What up, Cat?"
Ok. So I'm starting to freak out. Who in the hell is going to come to my shower. There are like 6 hostesses and that is about all the adults that I know other than my mother and 2 aunts. SO I went through my guest list to the wedding and rated people 0 to 3 on how likely they are to come. I chilled out a little after that. And after I called Jamey and hung up on her voice mail. She immediately called back and said "Is someone dead." "Um, no, but I don't think anyone will come to my shower." She said "OHHHH AMANDA." She didn't think it was as big of a deal as I did. But damn, it really is giving me stress. I'm so not used to A) not doing the hosting and B) being the center of attention! It is like a bigger deal if no one comes to my shower that it is if no one comes to my wedding. These wonderful women that I've known my whole life are organizing it for me, but I organized my wedding so no big loss if the wedding party is all that shows up. And most of the fun of that is getting to leave and go on a honeymoon.

Speaking of honeymoons, we booked ours today. We are going to the Mayan Riviera aka the Mayan Sun Coast, just south of Cancun. We are leaving (flying FIRST CLASS on American, so there will be no need for my fat ass to purchase 2 seats) Monday Oct 7th and coming back Friday Oct 11th. We are staying at some kick ass resort/spa place that Vic picked out, it has 6 stars and is brand new and no one under age 18 is allowed there...so I said BOOK IT!

I think on the 5th, after the wedding, there is going to be a pretty sweet little kegger at The Goff Family Windmill, hosted by the only 2 Goff's that imbibe, Chewy and Rue. I just told Tamalca and she is stoked. She went to her first (and only) barn party in Hobbs and she's pretty excited about her first windmill party. I ran many a times from the cops from that very windmill, but of course that was before I was legal to drink OR it was occupied as part of the Goff Empire. Anyway, as of now I want to stay for the party...but who knows by then.

My mom told me to find a shrink and ask for some Paxil before my shower so I chill out. That's really not a bad idea, but that's really really pathetic. SO for now I will stick to calling Jamey in the middle of the night for her to reassure me that I'm fine.

Monday, June 24, 2002

I personally think this world would be a better place if there were more blogs about kitties. They are like rainbows and money, there are never enough! Ms. Judy Blewm is absolutely beautiful. Carson thinks she's hot. He said he would have pitched a tent if he wore pants. He tends to like older women.

Sunday, June 23, 2002

BTW: My initials are AMM, not AMMN. It is still 104 days away says the knot.
The other night Vic and I were in Pet Smart. I was exhausted and didn't care if Vic got a pet cheetah, much less a kitty. He wanted to adopt a cat. They were $85 from the Humane Society. He was all ready to do so UNTIL he figured out there was a waiting period. You had to fill out an application and wait to be approved. Which is a good thing, we don't want cat eating bad people running into Pet Smart and taking home sweet babies. Now that a few days (actually, even the next day) I'm really glad we don't have a friend for Mr. Witty. We have 2 fur-babies and that is plenty.

The point of this story? Well, in the store I told him that I could easily be one of those old women with 84,000 cats and the problem with that is so could he. Except he'd be an old man with 84,000 cats. That is a dangerous combination. He loves kitties so much, he was just laughing at all of them in Pet Smart. When we went into the room to meet a few of them, he was talking to them. He's an odd duck. Most guys HATE cats, especially multiple cats.

Saturday, June 22, 2002

I don't tend to roll my eyes when I am completely floored by a notion. My jaw, however, does seem to drop about 3/4 of an inch. Why on earth would someone get another dog when they are about to start school, immediately followed by a real full time school year?! It takes forever to get a dog adjusted and housetrained, etc. YOU KNOW THIS. Why start all over? And then to name the poor hotdog "Delta Dawn." I am appalled. If anyone has ever needed an ass beating, it would be you.

I do like the idea of taking a 7 year old baby cat. The older animals get, the harder it is to find good homes. Seven tends to be a magic number too. Any older than that and people are weary. But I know that Mr. Witty will be 6 on the 4th of July and he has lots of good years left (assuming that he doesn't try to eat my hand again). Kittens are sweet. They are damn funny. They are just plain ol' adorable. But my God, they are BAD. They are into everything and they are equipped with razors for claws and teeth. Even if you get them declawed, there are still the back claws and the TEETH. Felines, teeth, and Amanda. NO GOOD. I don't know if I will ever get a kitten, I prefer making friends with a cat. Kind of like kids, I don't like them so much. But I love people. Just not when they are young.

As for my birthday. Vic surprised me by MAKING a carrot cake. Mandy decorated it, but it was too warm when she did so and the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" ran quite a bit and looked like the Scream letters. He and Mandy got me a cool watch too. He took me to dinner. We were supposed to go to the movies, but that didn't happen. I went to bed early. I don't remember why last year was so miserable, but I know that I hated my birthday last year. So this year was quite an improvement. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. Jamey had asked to take me to dinner tonight, but we moved it to dinner and a movie on Sunday. That should be fun :).

Don't bitch about a lack of blogs. Read back through and see that for the last few weeks, there are some that are just like once a week from you. I, too, have a pathetic life and internet life and thoroughly enjoy reading blogs...Pot callin the kettle black, I do declare.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to ME. I'm as tired as can be. SO I'm going to bed. Happy birthday to me.

Night night.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Let's talk about what's happened to my parents in their old, I mean, middle age. My dad has gotten stuck in this...well...we will call it "routine." He thinks that EVERYTHING should stay the same regardless of if something new and better comes along. SO back in like 1995 when we got the internet at my parents house, we started using AOL. They were the shizzznit. Fast-forward 7 years and there have been quite a few technological advances. Bob still likes him some dial-up AOL. I tell him all the time that their are faster, easier, more affordable options. He just grumbles and goes on. All things work this way...the long distance carrier, driving directions, radio stations, etc.

You want to know why I haven't blogged? Because I've been at their house. I refuse to wait 20 minutes for AOL to make 15+ attempts to even connect to the net, and then wait 10 more for the front page to load...only to be kicked off because I sneezed or something. SO I didn't get online and I will never in Hobbs unless they decide to come out of the dark ages and at least put a recliner at the desk so that I may nap while I wait for things to open.

The other reason I haven't blogged? Well. Because I ain't got nuffin to say. All I do is work and sleep.

I did stopped in Abilene on the way back from H-town on Sunday to see Kim, Bryan, and Avery. I sat there and cried as I watched Kim breastfeed Avery. What the hell!?!?!?! Has something happened to me? I didn't used to be this way. Vic told me not to get any ideas. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Avery is just a little tiny Kim and it was so amazing that 3 days before we were saying things like "I just want her to have all 10 fingers and all 10 toes!" And there she was. It made me want one, but then she had to be burped and I got over it. But she is so perfect, I feel like she is mine. I guess I am kind of an aunt.

AND I did go see Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Um. It's ok. It's cute, but it's not nearly as neat as the books. And there were a few things that were different that I didn't quite approve of. But I am glad that I saw it. Vic on the other hand just stared at his watch the whole time. He loathed and despised it. I told him the books were better and he said "I should hope so! But what would make you to read them in the first place?!?!" SO do NOT take any person(s) with penis(s) to see it. Even if they like others like themselves, this is like REALLY REALLY a chick flick.

Friday, June 14, 2002

SO I get there about noon. She was cool, just chillin. No big deal, ready to get the show on the road. She had had the epidural, life was good. About 2 hours before she came, everyone except Bryan and her Mom went to the waiting room. Precious baby Avery was born at 4:46 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz, and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. She looks just like Kim, the funny pouty mouth and all. She's a mini-me Kim, all except the RED hair! Kim refuses to say it's red, but it so is. She's perfect though, and Kim is doing well. She was hurting last night and was really tired, but all is well in babyland.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

I'm off to see the baby, the wonderful baby of Kim! Because! Because! Beeecause! All the wonderful things she does!

Leah is meeting me there, I'm glad. Besides the fact that I haven't seen her in forever, I am glad it won't just be me and Kim and Bryan's family. I can't wait. Then I'm off to Hobbs, figure since I'm 1/2 way there, I ought just go on. So I won't go next weekend as planned.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

She couldn't make it to my birthday...Kim's having a baby tomorrow. Is it just me, or is that weird? You're not supposed to KNOW it's tomorrow. You are supposed to be walking to the mail box and have to stoop over because of a mild contraction. Then hobble back to the house and call your husband and find your already packed suitcase and drive to the hospital. He's supposed to run in the ER and say "MY WIFE'S HAVING A BABY!!!" And then someone runs out to the car and get her on a stretcher and whisks her inside to a room and they wait. But no, they are inducing without patocin (sp) tomorrow. Not sure about that either. SO, that's where I'll be. I'm off to watch Ms. Avery enter into the world. Not literally, but I would like to be there close by. You know, hang out with the fam. I'm actually really ready for her to be here, I'd like to meet her after all this hoop-la.

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

my wedding web site



(to get to it, you must click on my name...right there....----v (that's a down arrow))

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Carson looks sooooooooo beautiful. Vic and I shaved him. Of course, before I got home Vic had already given him a reverse mohawk. He's so friendly when he's naked. He is forced to depend on a human for warmth. He's such a cuddler! Too bad he still bites even when he's lying in your lap and you pet him too long. That's just his way of communication.

Misti is totally OOC with this who San Fran thing. There is no need to buy new clothes for 48 hours of trip. I am not even taking my makeup, much less making a purchase.

But! Today I did get some new tennies, New Balance, of course. AND! A kick ass pair of OP sandals. Yes, that's Ocean Pacific that hasn't been cool since like 1989, but they are comfy!!! They aren't cute at all, but I always wear Mandy's Nike sandals and she gets mad when she wants to wear them and they are on my feet. SO I got my own ugly athletic sandals.

Speaking of Mandy, she cut the snot out of her finger tonight. She was loading the dishwasher and somehow cut her right index finger to da bone. I helped apply pressure, but that was about it. It made me feel light headed just looking at her. I called Vic to come take care of her, but she found some balls and acted tough. Just when my right index finger is finally all healed from the Carson Cat Wound, she is now digitally disabled.

Speaking of tough...William had his wisdom teeth out today. I called my dad to check on him and he goes "He's fine, they got all his teeth." And I said "All, or just his wisdom teeth." And he said "All." And I said, "Is he getting dentures?" That's when he finally caught on to what I was saying. Bob was about as swift as a turtle that stepped in gum. But he's fine and they did only take his wisdom teeth. I just talked to him and he said he's going to the golf course tomorrow. That's smart! Yeah, oral surgery one day, round o' golf the next. They don't call them wisdom teef for nuthin'!

Not really sure what tough had to do with Williams teefers, other than he was tough to understand...but whatever. ;)

Monday, June 03, 2002

More of a reason for the rocks!

Vic passed his national registry X-ray tech test. It was one of those big long standardized tests. He's now an ARRT, or something like that. We'll say that stands for A Registered Radiology Technologist. Sure, sounds great. Vic Rocks.

Sorry for the lack of returned phone calls this weekend. My phone didn't show messages, so I didn't get them till they were outdated. I didn't know anything anyway, I never do.

I got up this morning and made Chicken Enchiladas and Guacamole to take to work for lunch. We had our weekly meeting today rather than tomorrow and it was out boss’s birthday. I don't think they liked it much, but it wasn't as good as normal. It was my first time to *really* cook in this kitchen and it took longer and wasn't as smooth as it should have been. Anywho, no one complained so I'm probably just being paranoid. I'm not the best cook in the world anyway. At least no one is hungry. And Vic can eat the leftovers; he is similar to a garbage dispose-all. :)

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Girls, girls, girls. Don't make me pull over.

California is exciting. Country hick or not, it's a new place. It's not outside the US, so it's "safe"; but it's not the usual trip to Louisiana. Offended because it was taken as lack of excitement, not because there was a sheer state of shock. Communication difficulties are typically the cause of almost all hurt feelings. Maybe you two should get your messenger thingy back on your phones? OR MAYBE! Just MAYBE Misti should blog more than once a week....hummm. Something to ponder....

Friday, May 31, 2002

I felt the need to change. Why did I choose rocks? Well, I'll tell you why. Because I rock.

Amanda finally has her frickin' diploma. I am edgeukated.

That rocks.
I'm going to the Arlington Police Station today for training. They have a domestic violence response team. When a call comes into the pokey that there is a domestic disturbance, they send out a victim advocate with the copper (copper, Mr. Crime Stopper) to get help and information to the victim immediately. We are going to check out their program so that we can hopefully get the ball rolling for a program like that in Denton. There are just like 4 of us going, so it should actually be pretty fun.

I went ahead and bought a dress. I found one that was exactly like what I wanted my designer friend to make. Vic was with me and helped me pick it out. But that's fine for several reasons. #1 I am not superstitious at all, luck only exists in Vegas or when I really don't want the light to turn red when I'm running late. #2 He will forget by October what it looks like. #3 That girl in the picture was so damn skinny she made mannequins look porky. I will fill that bastard out to the max and it will completely different, we fat girls have that ability. Me and Twiggy could wear the exact same outfit and no one would notice. That needs to be added to my top 200 reasons being fat kicks ass.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

I ordered 175 invitations today. It made it so real. Like I had to figure out how to word things and all. When Vic and I were in Lubbock we went to this little paper store and found some that were pretty cool, you know, like us...hee hee. We had her hold them and picked out the font and whatnot, but today I gave her my credit card (well, Bob's credit card) information. It made me instantly nervous. Before today we could have backed out of the big wedding thing, or worse yet, the whole thing. But now if I called it off I would be like Julia Roberts, not that I've seen Run Away Bride, but I know what she does. It's a good thing that I'm sure I want to get married! I keep thinking that it's a traditional wedding, but it's so not. I'm thinking of having my bridesmaid's wear funky ruffle dresses or capri pants, dressy ones of course. You will see that too when you get the invitation. It's gold with rose paper over it. And I don't believe in etiquette. Who cares whose name goes first and that you are supposed to spell out Street. If you are getting an invitation, then come and be merry...who really analyzes the wording? And if you do, I can recommend a good counselor....

In other news, I'm at work. My brother and Vic and Garry (Vic's friend) are at the baseball game. Mandy is at a study group for her final tomorrow. Now, it's a hard race...but I am so glad that I'm chilling alone at the domestic violence outreach office. I mean baseball, study group, or work....no contest here. They were worrying that it was going to rain, but it didn't. Maybe I will be in bed when they return so that I don't have to hear about who stole third or who got struck out.

Did yall know that laptops use 90% less energy than desktops? That's according to the April issue of Real Simple magazine. That's a lot less energy! We could probably light all of Zimbabwe or something if we would all just use laptops! Too bad I had them, but a nice idea none-the-less!

Monday, May 27, 2002

William can just go go go! He still needs to be entertained 24/7, and I'm just not that much fun anymore! We've eaten at all the places I know around here, been to the movies, rented movies, played a 4 hour game of Star Wars Monopoly, he's played golf twice, and we've been to the mall. He's only been here 72 hours. He's mad at me right now because I don't want to go out to dinner and go to another movie. Seesh! I mean, I know he lives in Hobbs...but chill out dude!

Vic's working tonight for 4 hours, but since it's a holiday he'll get lots more! Yeah!

Mandy's been at the college softball world series in OKC. She's on her way here w/ Stephanie Walls. She lived in Lubbock when we all did, she's a cool chick. I think Mandy told Vic that she has an interview here tomorrow...but last I knew she had a good job with Costco as a buyer or something like that. So who knows, I'm just shocked and amazed that Mandy's coming back today. When the phone rang I just knew she was calling to say she'd be back before work tomorrow. She doesn't really live here, ya know.

I'm off to appease the young one. I'll bribe him with candy or something.


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