Saturday, November 22, 2008

There is this sleazy little joint called "Easy's Pop Shop" on the main drag here. Right next door is "Easy's 2." And next to that is "Easy's Laundromat." I was afraid at first, but I was curious. So finally, with Vic's support, we drove through the window at Easy's Pop Shop and ordered two large Dr. Peppers. What we got was Dr. Peppery goodness in it's best form--over perfect ice. Even more perfect than Sonic's ice, which sometimes I forget exists because so few places have it. The only other place I can think of is Pizza Mill & Sub Factory in H-town; another little sleazy joint. So since I have been sharing the bad, I thought I should share the good. One major downside though is that they close at 6 and are not open on Sundays. Just makes us be on our toes, really.

Tuesday, what would have been my Mom's 53rd birthday, is my last day of school for 5 whole days. We are going to Denton/DFW as soon as I get out of school. I'm most excited about getting my hair did on Wednesday. It looks bad. Real, real bad. We are staying at Dad's because William moved into our house and won't let us come back, not even for a visit. Mean. I'm a little afraid that going there will just make me that much more homesick.

P.S. Aunt Florance left right on time! Yeah!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Welcome, Aunt Florance, we have all been anxiously awaiting your arrival. Please don't stay as long as last time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lord help everyone if I don't bleed soon.

I had 2 shots of progesterone 8 days ago, and before that 5 days of the pill form. I have PMS from HELL. And have for the last 7 days. My face looks like a pizza. I called a shelter to take the cats because they piss me off--though I have decided to wait before I make a rash decision (Reason? Is that you I hear?). I started crying tonight when Vic came into the kitchen because he was laughing. At me. I just know it. Though he is still denying it. Oh, and I cut a large chunk of my hair off because it wouldn't go the right way.

In addition, I'm out of things to cook and that is the only thing that I have found to entertain myself in this POS town. Please send me recipes that do not have things that swim, things that I cannot pronounce, or loads of transfat, as the laughing hyena that I'm married too won't eat them. I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm going to growl at something.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel sad.

Barry is the next president. Welcome to the U.S.S.A.


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