Friday, April 27, 2007

Only 20 school days left. A mere 4 Mondays. I am SO done with this year. It has been emotionally and physically draining. This year has flashed before my eyes because I've been too exhausted to do anything other than work and get ready for the next time I have to work. I can look at it and see how much I've learned and I am happy that I did it--I think I'm a better person for it...not to mention that I've fallen in love with a couple of kids. But enough is enough. I've been applying for other jobs in other districts (I'm also DONE with most of the people I work with). I have an interview next week at a brand new school in Denton. Say some prayers, please.

This summer I am taking 9 of the last 15 hours I have for my M.Ed. They all should be interesting. An inclusion class, mild to moderate disabilities, and a research class. The research is the only one I'm thinking will be hard because it will be time consuming.

Other than that, we are going to my friend Whitney White's wedding ( the weekend of June 2nd in New Orleans and maybe North Carolina with Vic's family in mid July to stay in their beach house. I'm also for sure going to Castle Pines, CO to stay with William, Albuquerque to see Vic's family, and to Midland to see my Misti.

Have I mentioned that we are getting married (again)? Probably the end of May/early June. Whenever the mood strikes, I suppose. Remember how I said that I'd never marry the same man twice? Well. I'm not hungry, but I'll eat those words...and wash them down with some cake and champagne.

Of course, I have to make it through the next 20 days to get to do all this...pray about that too.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Jamey K.!

I can't believe it's our last year in the 20's--I hope it's the best one yet!

I love you!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Willam is officially engaged to Heather!

That is why he came to town, to buy her a ring. He flew home this morning because he had asked her parents to come in town so he "could talk to them." He asked them for her hand in marriage this afternoon, before Heather got home from the play she is currently working on--they were excited and said yes. Tonight she went into another room and when she came out he said "You didn't even ask me if I brought you a surprise from Dallas..." she said "Did you bring me candy?" (she loves Candyhaven in Denton) he said "Yes, look in the closet." When said walked back out, he was down on one knee. SO EXCITING!

I am so happy for both of them. It seems like he loved her from day 1 about 2 years ago--he has always been so happy with her. She has been with him through a really rough year and never blinked an eye. I welcome her into our family--I'm excited to have a new "sister."

My mom would be thrilled--she loved Heather and would be so proud of them both.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Remember back when 4-20 meant something fun? That's so funny to me that I actually used to put a significance on it. Not that I ever actually celebrated it, but I did think of it as a holiday of sorts. Dork.

Actually though, it is a holiday, of sorts...just not the same sorts. Today is Ms. Nancy "Leanna" Stockdale's 34th birthday. I love Leanna. She's a peach. I don't remember first meeting her exactly, but I know it was at "Big Jen and Little Jen's house" in Lewisville back many (7 or 8 or so) years ago. All I really knew about her before meeting her was that everyone loved her. I found out why very quickly--she has this big amazing personality and a heart to match--she's so laid back and just takes everything in stride. Vic and I were talking about her a few days ago and how she is just always there--she's everybody's rock--and she's a funny rock, too. She came to my house several times when Vic and I were having really hard times, she was at my house almost before I was the day Mom died, she even came over and hung out w/ me while our dearest Rue restrained. Did I mention that she also helped keep Pud, Slap, Mandy, and Tamalca under control (well, as much as possible...) in Vegas at my wedding?! Wow. Anyway, I just wanted to wish her a very very Happy Day.

OH! She also hates the name Nancy, but it's one of my favorite names so she can't get too mad at me for using it.

In other news, William flew in last night. Stay tuned for some exciting news about him! He's getting so old! Makes me wanta sing "Mommy, WOW, he's a big boy NOW!"

Sunday, April 01, 2007

I updated my links on the side. I took off all the people that don't really post anymore. I added "Sassy Sarah." This is my dear friend Sarah Pfalzer (Schmitt since 2001--seems like yesterday--that was a fun weddin'!) from Cali, and she's fabulous. She and I met at Santa Catalina when we were mere pups. She, husband John, and daughter Avery live in TN. She posts lots of good pictures!


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