Sunday, June 30, 2002

I have had a completely worthless weekend. I had intended on being Martha Jr. and turning this house into a home, but I didn't. I did do the laundry and hung a few pictures. I made my bed too. WHOOA!

I have talked on the phone a lot too. I talked to my friend Kristina in Phoenix. She and I were best friends from when we were 4 until she moved in 3rd grade. We've always kept in touch, but in the college years it's been less frequent. None the less, I remembered her mom's phone number and I was just sitting in the chair Friday night and thought "I should tell Krissydeena that I'm gettin' hitched." SO I picked up the phone, called, and she answered her mom's phone. We talked for like 2 hours. It made my day. She's coming to the wedding. She hasn't been to Hobbs since we were in 7th grade and I haven't seen her since summer of 97 when I went to Phoenix to look at schools. I am so excited. She has a 3 year old little girl, Hannah, now too and I can't wait to see her either.

Ok, I'm going to continue being a veggie. G'nite.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Just to reinforce my last post, I feel the need to share today's email from my Aunt, my mom's sister, of course:

"hi, how is every thing? What is Vic's last name? I went up to silver city today-they didn't have what i went after. kay has been e-mailing me and I really enjoy it. i have towels washing. i need to take a walk. love, cindy"

And people wonder why I'm so random. THIS IS WHY. I was born with it. It is a disease and I'm infected. SO, I'll write like I would all the time if I didn't try and make myself get control and be "normal" aka "unlike my family."

I love Thursday nights, that means I don't have to go back to work until Monday. Except for every 6th Friday, because we rotate those. I finished up all my stats for June today, usually I'm late with those, but I have everything done except for the Spanish and Women's groups. Rock on. When I got home and out of the car my tire was hissing. I ran into get Vic and he went to look, there is a giant nail in it. I bet all the air will be long gone by morning. He said that he would teach me how to change it. Oh, contraire moe-fraire. No sir, I informed him that I am a Princess. He laughed and said a princess without a carriage. Damn the man. Vic hung my door knocker key hanger thing on the wall, it looks cool. Today I had on a T-shirt with a picture of 3 flip-flops on it, and the flops that Misti gave me for my birthday that have pineapples on them. My foot has a pineapple tattoo on it. Erica noticed this and pointed it out. Cool, huh? Not really, I know. Nancy has started peein' in the floor when any new person comes to the door, so the next time you come over be sure you don't greet her on the carpet. I was going to walk and lift weights with Mandy tonight but she isn't here, maybe Vic wants too. I will go see.

I spit that out in like 3 minutes. That’s what races threw my mind, and tonight I left it unfiltered for you all to see. You may thank me now for NOT writing like this. Good night.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

This is today's 3rd email from my mom, I copy and pasted directly:

"You can go to and there are so many good receipes I did not know which ones to print and their websight is easy and cute. Did you know that October is National tomato month? You are getting married in the month of tomatoes, Cool. Time to take Rowdy to be beautified. mom"

If anyone has ever had any doubt where my oddness came from, the confusion should now be cleared up. I'm off to work.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

"Friends don't let Friends Fly Southwest Airlines."

That was the signature line on an email I just got. Fat people crack me up.

Oh yeah, and Pimp Daddy Witty said to tell yo' pussy "What up, Cat?"
Ok. So I'm starting to freak out. Who in the hell is going to come to my shower. There are like 6 hostesses and that is about all the adults that I know other than my mother and 2 aunts. SO I went through my guest list to the wedding and rated people 0 to 3 on how likely they are to come. I chilled out a little after that. And after I called Jamey and hung up on her voice mail. She immediately called back and said "Is someone dead." "Um, no, but I don't think anyone will come to my shower." She said "OHHHH AMANDA." She didn't think it was as big of a deal as I did. But damn, it really is giving me stress. I'm so not used to A) not doing the hosting and B) being the center of attention! It is like a bigger deal if no one comes to my shower that it is if no one comes to my wedding. These wonderful women that I've known my whole life are organizing it for me, but I organized my wedding so no big loss if the wedding party is all that shows up. And most of the fun of that is getting to leave and go on a honeymoon.

Speaking of honeymoons, we booked ours today. We are going to the Mayan Riviera aka the Mayan Sun Coast, just south of Cancun. We are leaving (flying FIRST CLASS on American, so there will be no need for my fat ass to purchase 2 seats) Monday Oct 7th and coming back Friday Oct 11th. We are staying at some kick ass resort/spa place that Vic picked out, it has 6 stars and is brand new and no one under age 18 is allowed I said BOOK IT!

I think on the 5th, after the wedding, there is going to be a pretty sweet little kegger at The Goff Family Windmill, hosted by the only 2 Goff's that imbibe, Chewy and Rue. I just told Tamalca and she is stoked. She went to her first (and only) barn party in Hobbs and she's pretty excited about her first windmill party. I ran many a times from the cops from that very windmill, but of course that was before I was legal to drink OR it was occupied as part of the Goff Empire. Anyway, as of now I want to stay for the party...but who knows by then.

My mom told me to find a shrink and ask for some Paxil before my shower so I chill out. That's really not a bad idea, but that's really really pathetic. SO for now I will stick to calling Jamey in the middle of the night for her to reassure me that I'm fine.

Monday, June 24, 2002

I personally think this world would be a better place if there were more blogs about kitties. They are like rainbows and money, there are never enough! Ms. Judy Blewm is absolutely beautiful. Carson thinks she's hot. He said he would have pitched a tent if he wore pants. He tends to like older women.

Sunday, June 23, 2002

BTW: My initials are AMM, not AMMN. It is still 104 days away says the knot.
The other night Vic and I were in Pet Smart. I was exhausted and didn't care if Vic got a pet cheetah, much less a kitty. He wanted to adopt a cat. They were $85 from the Humane Society. He was all ready to do so UNTIL he figured out there was a waiting period. You had to fill out an application and wait to be approved. Which is a good thing, we don't want cat eating bad people running into Pet Smart and taking home sweet babies. Now that a few days (actually, even the next day) I'm really glad we don't have a friend for Mr. Witty. We have 2 fur-babies and that is plenty.

The point of this story? Well, in the store I told him that I could easily be one of those old women with 84,000 cats and the problem with that is so could he. Except he'd be an old man with 84,000 cats. That is a dangerous combination. He loves kitties so much, he was just laughing at all of them in Pet Smart. When we went into the room to meet a few of them, he was talking to them. He's an odd duck. Most guys HATE cats, especially multiple cats.

Saturday, June 22, 2002

I don't tend to roll my eyes when I am completely floored by a notion. My jaw, however, does seem to drop about 3/4 of an inch. Why on earth would someone get another dog when they are about to start school, immediately followed by a real full time school year?! It takes forever to get a dog adjusted and housetrained, etc. YOU KNOW THIS. Why start all over? And then to name the poor hotdog "Delta Dawn." I am appalled. If anyone has ever needed an ass beating, it would be you.

I do like the idea of taking a 7 year old baby cat. The older animals get, the harder it is to find good homes. Seven tends to be a magic number too. Any older than that and people are weary. But I know that Mr. Witty will be 6 on the 4th of July and he has lots of good years left (assuming that he doesn't try to eat my hand again). Kittens are sweet. They are damn funny. They are just plain ol' adorable. But my God, they are BAD. They are into everything and they are equipped with razors for claws and teeth. Even if you get them declawed, there are still the back claws and the TEETH. Felines, teeth, and Amanda. NO GOOD. I don't know if I will ever get a kitten, I prefer making friends with a cat. Kind of like kids, I don't like them so much. But I love people. Just not when they are young.

As for my birthday. Vic surprised me by MAKING a carrot cake. Mandy decorated it, but it was too warm when she did so and the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" ran quite a bit and looked like the Scream letters. He and Mandy got me a cool watch too. He took me to dinner. We were supposed to go to the movies, but that didn't happen. I went to bed early. I don't remember why last year was so miserable, but I know that I hated my birthday last year. So this year was quite an improvement. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. Jamey had asked to take me to dinner tonight, but we moved it to dinner and a movie on Sunday. That should be fun :).

Don't bitch about a lack of blogs. Read back through and see that for the last few weeks, there are some that are just like once a week from you. I, too, have a pathetic life and internet life and thoroughly enjoy reading blogs...Pot callin the kettle black, I do declare.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to ME. I'm as tired as can be. SO I'm going to bed. Happy birthday to me.

Night night.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Let's talk about what's happened to my parents in their old, I mean, middle age. My dad has gotten stuck in this...well...we will call it "routine." He thinks that EVERYTHING should stay the same regardless of if something new and better comes along. SO back in like 1995 when we got the internet at my parents house, we started using AOL. They were the shizzznit. Fast-forward 7 years and there have been quite a few technological advances. Bob still likes him some dial-up AOL. I tell him all the time that their are faster, easier, more affordable options. He just grumbles and goes on. All things work this way...the long distance carrier, driving directions, radio stations, etc.

You want to know why I haven't blogged? Because I've been at their house. I refuse to wait 20 minutes for AOL to make 15+ attempts to even connect to the net, and then wait 10 more for the front page to load...only to be kicked off because I sneezed or something. SO I didn't get online and I will never in Hobbs unless they decide to come out of the dark ages and at least put a recliner at the desk so that I may nap while I wait for things to open.

The other reason I haven't blogged? Well. Because I ain't got nuffin to say. All I do is work and sleep.

I did stopped in Abilene on the way back from H-town on Sunday to see Kim, Bryan, and Avery. I sat there and cried as I watched Kim breastfeed Avery. What the hell!?!?!?! Has something happened to me? I didn't used to be this way. Vic told me not to get any ideas. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Avery is just a little tiny Kim and it was so amazing that 3 days before we were saying things like "I just want her to have all 10 fingers and all 10 toes!" And there she was. It made me want one, but then she had to be burped and I got over it. But she is so perfect, I feel like she is mine. I guess I am kind of an aunt.

AND I did go see Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Um. It's ok. It's cute, but it's not nearly as neat as the books. And there were a few things that were different that I didn't quite approve of. But I am glad that I saw it. Vic on the other hand just stared at his watch the whole time. He loathed and despised it. I told him the books were better and he said "I should hope so! But what would make you to read them in the first place?!?!" SO do NOT take any person(s) with penis(s) to see it. Even if they like others like themselves, this is like REALLY REALLY a chick flick.

Friday, June 14, 2002

SO I get there about noon. She was cool, just chillin. No big deal, ready to get the show on the road. She had had the epidural, life was good. About 2 hours before she came, everyone except Bryan and her Mom went to the waiting room. Precious baby Avery was born at 4:46 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz, and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. She looks just like Kim, the funny pouty mouth and all. She's a mini-me Kim, all except the RED hair! Kim refuses to say it's red, but it so is. She's perfect though, and Kim is doing well. She was hurting last night and was really tired, but all is well in babyland.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

I'm off to see the baby, the wonderful baby of Kim! Because! Because! Beeecause! All the wonderful things she does!

Leah is meeting me there, I'm glad. Besides the fact that I haven't seen her in forever, I am glad it won't just be me and Kim and Bryan's family. I can't wait. Then I'm off to Hobbs, figure since I'm 1/2 way there, I ought just go on. So I won't go next weekend as planned.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

She couldn't make it to my birthday...Kim's having a baby tomorrow. Is it just me, or is that weird? You're not supposed to KNOW it's tomorrow. You are supposed to be walking to the mail box and have to stoop over because of a mild contraction. Then hobble back to the house and call your husband and find your already packed suitcase and drive to the hospital. He's supposed to run in the ER and say "MY WIFE'S HAVING A BABY!!!" And then someone runs out to the car and get her on a stretcher and whisks her inside to a room and they wait. But no, they are inducing without patocin (sp) tomorrow. Not sure about that either. SO, that's where I'll be. I'm off to watch Ms. Avery enter into the world. Not literally, but I would like to be there close by. You know, hang out with the fam. I'm actually really ready for her to be here, I'd like to meet her after all this hoop-la.

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

my wedding web site


(to get to it, you must click on my name...right there....----v (that's a down arrow))

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Carson looks sooooooooo beautiful. Vic and I shaved him. Of course, before I got home Vic had already given him a reverse mohawk. He's so friendly when he's naked. He is forced to depend on a human for warmth. He's such a cuddler! Too bad he still bites even when he's lying in your lap and you pet him too long. That's just his way of communication.

Misti is totally OOC with this who San Fran thing. There is no need to buy new clothes for 48 hours of trip. I am not even taking my makeup, much less making a purchase.

But! Today I did get some new tennies, New Balance, of course. AND! A kick ass pair of OP sandals. Yes, that's Ocean Pacific that hasn't been cool since like 1989, but they are comfy!!! They aren't cute at all, but I always wear Mandy's Nike sandals and she gets mad when she wants to wear them and they are on my feet. SO I got my own ugly athletic sandals.

Speaking of Mandy, she cut the snot out of her finger tonight. She was loading the dishwasher and somehow cut her right index finger to da bone. I helped apply pressure, but that was about it. It made me feel light headed just looking at her. I called Vic to come take care of her, but she found some balls and acted tough. Just when my right index finger is finally all healed from the Carson Cat Wound, she is now digitally disabled.

Speaking of tough...William had his wisdom teeth out today. I called my dad to check on him and he goes "He's fine, they got all his teeth." And I said "All, or just his wisdom teeth." And he said "All." And I said, "Is he getting dentures?" That's when he finally caught on to what I was saying. Bob was about as swift as a turtle that stepped in gum. But he's fine and they did only take his wisdom teeth. I just talked to him and he said he's going to the golf course tomorrow. That's smart! Yeah, oral surgery one day, round o' golf the next. They don't call them wisdom teef for nuthin'!

Not really sure what tough had to do with Williams teefers, other than he was tough to understand...but whatever. ;)

Monday, June 03, 2002

More of a reason for the rocks!

Vic passed his national registry X-ray tech test. It was one of those big long standardized tests. He's now an ARRT, or something like that. We'll say that stands for A Registered Radiology Technologist. Sure, sounds great. Vic Rocks.

Sorry for the lack of returned phone calls this weekend. My phone didn't show messages, so I didn't get them till they were outdated. I didn't know anything anyway, I never do.

I got up this morning and made Chicken Enchiladas and Guacamole to take to work for lunch. We had our weekly meeting today rather than tomorrow and it was out boss’s birthday. I don't think they liked it much, but it wasn't as good as normal. It was my first time to *really* cook in this kitchen and it took longer and wasn't as smooth as it should have been. Anywho, no one complained so I'm probably just being paranoid. I'm not the best cook in the world anyway. At least no one is hungry. And Vic can eat the leftovers; he is similar to a garbage dispose-all. :)

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Girls, girls, girls. Don't make me pull over.

California is exciting. Country hick or not, it's a new place. It's not outside the US, so it's "safe"; but it's not the usual trip to Louisiana. Offended because it was taken as lack of excitement, not because there was a sheer state of shock. Communication difficulties are typically the cause of almost all hurt feelings. Maybe you two should get your messenger thingy back on your phones? OR MAYBE! Just MAYBE Misti should blog more than once a week....hummm. Something to ponder....


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