Thursday, November 24, 2005

As I sit here about to go to bed after a delightful day, I wanted to look back in my archives to see what I posted about last Thanksgiving. I didn't post last year. And Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love today because it doesn't involve major planning or shopping, presents, or decorations really. It's all about people, the ones we love, getting together and having a big meal because we are thankful. And I have so very much to be thankful for, so many blessings in my life. Not to mention that I *love* turkey and dressing...especially my moms, of course.

You see, last year, my dad was in WY working on Thanksgiving. And Vic was in the hospital until Thanksgiving eve. On Thanksgiving day, Mom, William, Vic, Mandy, and Shelley, and I went to Smith & Wollensky to eat lunch. That night, Mom, William, and I went to Black Eyed Pea. Vic wouldn't go. My dad was calling us because he was out in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard working on an oil rig and he was tired and ready to come home. I was really sad. And really scared about the future. I was tired of fighting for my marriage, trying to make a family with someone who hates the whole concept of family. I was at the breaking point where I had to either save myself or let myself go down with Vic.

So much has happened since then. There were lots more tears. But after the tears, there has been more joy than I could have even wished of a year ago...lots of wonderful changes....

I have started a new program at school, a masters in special education, which I am enjoying and doing well in.

I am teaching little kids, which is phenomenal to me because I would have bet you money that I would never teach and for sure, NO little kids! AND I'm teaching at a school that is great...I have the most awesome co-workers and kids. I get up each morning BEFORE my alarm goes off because I'm actually excited to go to work.

I have two wonderful roommates that brighten my days even if it's just because I know they are here. Two amazing women that without, I would not have made it through the turmoil of the past year!

I am also dating someone that is very very precious to me. James came into the picture last May, but things started getting more serious in the past few months. He treats me with more respect and kindness than I knew was possible. I can just think of him and smile because he is an amazing man. I love him dearly.

My parents are now living here. The last time we lived in the same town we didn't get along so well. We had very different lives. But now, not only do I love them...I *like* them and want to be with them. I am so happy they are close to me.

There are also other neat changes, like William dating what seems to be a really good girl. My Jamey is engaged to marry someone who makes her very happy. Landon is on the dean's list this semester in college. Baby Drew is talking...and crawling!

God is good. He has blessed me in so many ways, I am truly humbled by my life today. Today was a simple day...just Mom, Dad, William and I eating some turkey and playing a little trivial pursuit...but this is probably the best Thanksgiving I've ever had because I have so much to be thankful for AND am wise enough to see it.

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