Wednesday, February 15, 2006

James came for Valentines Day. He was sick, so we just laid around a lot...but it was fun. We had dinner at 3 Forks last night. He gave me a little pink beanie baby poodle and kept appologizing because it's ears were wrinkled while traveling....I kept dismissing him and saying they were fine. Finally he told me to check them and I realized the pup had earrings on for me :). Little pink hearts. Very sweet. I was so sad he had to leave this morning, especially since it looks like I won't see him until I go there for the weekend of March 11th when we are going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Something I've always wanted to do, but have never had the chance until now :). Anyway, he's sweet, Valentine's Day was good, and I'm going to do the Time Warp again for the first time very soon!

I'm a certified teacher, BTW. Well, just in Special Ed., but still...that was the main test I was worried about. I am about to take the PPR (Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities) and then the generalist test. But I scored a nice 89% on my spec. ed. test. Yeah!

Carson is the cutest cat ever. I love his paw pads, they are pink with freckles. Just in case you were wondering.

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