Thursday, September 07, 2006

The 4th week of school ends tomorrow. I feel like we just started...but at the same time, I feel like I've been working with these kids forever. The new population of kids that I'm teaching is COMPLETELY different than anything I've ever been exposed to. I've learned so much so quickly that I'm having a hard time processing it all before taking in the next piece of new info. But I'm happy. I'm really enjoying the challenge of each day. Right now I'm really focusing on some behavior issues that I feel come from the inability to communicate effectively; meaning that the kids are frustrated by not being able to speak in a way that people they act out. But there are lots of possibilities for them!

I didn't go to work today though, seems an evil poop disease attached me vengefully. Also yacked a few times yesterday. I picked it up in Houston last weekend. I'm better tonight though, but not well. Ode to Imodium.

I think it's funny that Paris Hilton got arrested. I wonder if they put her in the drunk tank???

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