Sunday, September 26, 2010

I made a commitment to my blog that I didn't keep; but for good reason. ALL summer we were living out of suitcases like vagrants. And vagrants don't have computers of their own. We made the decision to stay in Corinth, living with William, Heather, and soon-to-be-born Lilly, until further notice. So since we are staying, we moved up stairs and out of Lilly's room, and set up shop. We don't have enough space for our clothes, so we aren't completely out of suitcases...but it's better than it was!

I'm driving daily to Arlington to work. Without traffic, it's about 50 minutes...with traffic, it's about 1.5 hours. I have done pretty well with leaving early enough as to avoid traffic, but it physically pains me to leave the house in the dark. It pains Katie too. She has started going to daycare in Arlington, so she makes the commute with me. This is only a temporary thing. As soon as she is 18 months old (Nov.19th!) we will be moving her to somewhere closer to home. Neither of us enjoy being in the car together for a minimum of 2 hours daily. It's just not fair to ask her to be strapped to her carseat for that amount of time; however, Denton/Lewisville are lacking when it comes to childcare options for those under 18 months old.

The job is a job. This is my first year teaching that I've ever felt that way. The school is a charter school, and in theory, is great! They work on an accelerated curriculum...not so great for the special ed kids! The teachers are great teachers for accelerated kids...but they don't like to be bothered with my kids. Each day feels like I'm fighting a battle that only I know about, much less does anyone else care about it. I'm trying to keep my mind open and my goal in place (teach my kids the most possible in the shortest amount of time) and know that the application process starts again shortly after Christmas for the 2011/12 school year! I know God put me here for a reason, so I start each day fresh...but man, I haven't dreaded Monday's like this since I worked for MHMR!

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