Saturday, December 20, 2003

Department 56: Products


I won the diaper bag. Misti, do you wanta borrow it? I have no baby that needs me to have a bag to carry their diapers. DO you think Danny would mind if Davis had a pink poodle bag??? HA HA.

I did not win the shower curtain rings. I have the damn curtain and no rings and there are NO MORE for sale on Ebay. I am obsessed with checking for them...I search for "Cherie Poodle" "Dept 56 Poodle" "Poodle Shower" "Poodle Curtain" first thing every time I get on the computer. Somewhere someone has some poodle shower curtian rings they want to sell on Ebay and I will find them. Have no fear.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

I had a brief affair with Ebay back in March of 2002, but do to better judgement, I ended it. But then, a particular cousin of mine got a Vera Bradley wallet on a string. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute and handy! I need a new wallet. I love Vera (I introduced it to her!). I don't know where to buy it close to my house, and besides...even if I did...I don't battle holiday shopping crowds unless absolutely necessary. SOOO, what's a girl to do???

That's right. So far I've won:

1 cute cherry shirt for me
2 pink poodle (Miz & Mr) for the guest bathroom
1 anastasia print wallet on a string
1 pink petal wallet on a string
1 poodle shower curtain

Waiting to win:
poodle shower curtain HOLDERS

Watching (ie: trying to get control)
poodle socks (for me, not the poos)
a poodle diaper bag

Did I mention that Vic said "NO" to decorating the guest bathroom in poodles? Won't he be surprised! And no, I'm not pregnant...but someday I'll have a baby and will I be able to find a pink poodle diaper bag when the time comes? That's the question. Therefore it is an item of necessity.

And all of this is Misti's fault. She got the cute wallet on a string on EBAY and told me to get on too.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I am offically done Christmas shopping. And that is amazing. I am about to go to the post office and mail off a few things and after that...I'm done with everything except for wrapping the items that have not yet arrived. I think this is the first time in my life that I've ever been done this early. There have been years in the past that I have not finished shopping until AFTER Christmas...I am SO on the ball. The Christmas Tree Ball.

Monday, December 01, 2003 | Denton | Local News

Another exciting night as a photographer. And don't think I didn't shake it like a polaroid picture, because I did. Mostly because it was a polaroid picture, but hey...Outkast would be proud. Anyway, I volunteered to hand out cookies at the Christmas Tree lighting for the City, but since I had experience with the camera...I got to take pictures of kids with Santa. So, as you can see by above mentioned article, pictures were free and it was in the newspaper. I took one hundred million pictures. I know that my arm that was holding up the camera is going to be sore tomorrow because that damn thing got so heavy as the night went on. Only probably 6 or 8 kids screamed their heads off. Most were sweet. Especially this precious little boy, probably 3, with Down Syndrome...he ran to Santa and hugged him over and over.

But by far the best part of the night was when these two sisters probably 7 and 9 were telling what they wanted for Christmas. The 9 year old was done, so Santa looked at the 7 year old and she said "A BABY BROTHER!" and her Dad (standing next to me) just laughed but then she yelled "but I can't have that cause Dad is CUT!!" And she said it during one of those lulls in the crowd so everyone seemed to hear and then bust out laughing. He looked like he wanted to crawl in Santa's bag! Funny funny.


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