Monday, December 01, 2003 | Denton | Local News

Another exciting night as a photographer. And don't think I didn't shake it like a polaroid picture, because I did. Mostly because it was a polaroid picture, but hey...Outkast would be proud. Anyway, I volunteered to hand out cookies at the Christmas Tree lighting for the City, but since I had experience with the camera...I got to take pictures of kids with Santa. So, as you can see by above mentioned article, pictures were free and it was in the newspaper. I took one hundred million pictures. I know that my arm that was holding up the camera is going to be sore tomorrow because that damn thing got so heavy as the night went on. Only probably 6 or 8 kids screamed their heads off. Most were sweet. Especially this precious little boy, probably 3, with Down Syndrome...he ran to Santa and hugged him over and over.

But by far the best part of the night was when these two sisters probably 7 and 9 were telling what they wanted for Christmas. The 9 year old was done, so Santa looked at the 7 year old and she said "A BABY BROTHER!" and her Dad (standing next to me) just laughed but then she yelled "but I can't have that cause Dad is CUT!!" And she said it during one of those lulls in the crowd so everyone seemed to hear and then bust out laughing. He looked like he wanted to crawl in Santa's bag! Funny funny.

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