So I was just opening some snail mail and got the invite to Andra's deal. It was last weekend. I was also finally reading my email. There were emails about it. I'm so very sad that I missed yall. But hot damn do I have some stories.
Some stories that I can not post on here because I am close enough to loosing my job as it is, that I do not need to post about it on the internet! Maybe I need some codes like Moe...anyway...I'm not really going to loose my job, but I've gotten my ass kicked (literally, with bruises to prove it) for the last 3 weeks and I've not been making friends while doing so. It's been horrible. Like horrible as in I have been instructed what to say to the media and have been consulting w/ an attorney horrible. But tomorrow a lot will be settled and it will be better because I will no longer get a beat down on a daily basis. But I probably won't sleep tonight and have been getting a tinge of the yackumup feelings when I think about it all....
Speaking of "won't"...We have been doing contractions w/ not and my kids are blown away by the fact that "will not" contracts to "won't." And come to think of it, so am I. Whoever decided that rearranging the word "not," throwing in an apostrophe, and attaching it to a "w" is the same thing as "will not" was on crack.
Other than that, someone told me today that it called a "cobweb" when one does not update their site regularly. Same person also told me that instead of calling someone a blonde, you say that they are a "404." Both of which made me giggle.
I had school pictures taken today. Teachers get a complimentary package. The first 8 emails I receive will be the winners of a super great wallet size school picture of Amanda the Great Teacher!
I came home from school tonight and part of my fence had blown down. But my parents happen to be in town for the 3rd time in 10 days, so my dad came over to fix it. Frank and Nancy had a great gallop through my 'hood before I realized the fence was horizontal in the yard.
In the past 2 weeks they have added: 2 student computers, TV, VCR, DVD player, phone w/ own phone line, overhead, and 700 bucks to spend on my classroom. It's startin' to be a super cool room now!
Oh yeah, and Carson is the cutest paperweight I've ever seen.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
This message awaited me when I signed into my Yahoo messenger today. I just had to share. It gave me a good chuckle.
"(9/15/2005 6:01:42 PM): hi am Joe,i stay in state,i got ur profile from yahoo and was so interested in was so impressive. i learnt from it that u r so down to earth. you got all the attributes i need in my dream woman. i want you for you.i dunt want u for just a chatfriend i want somethin more deeper.with you i feel the long search is over. please get on and lets tok. ive been searchin for someone with this attribute all these while and am so Glad that i finds you. May be God you in mind before creating me. hope to tok to you soonest.please email me back so i will be sure that u gets this messg."
"(9/15/2005 6:01:42 PM): hi am Joe,i stay in state,i got ur profile from yahoo and was so interested in was so impressive. i learnt from it that u r so down to earth. you got all the attributes i need in my dream woman. i want you for you.i dunt want u for just a chatfriend i want somethin more deeper.with you i feel the long search is over. please get on and lets tok. ive been searchin for someone with this attribute all these while and am so Glad that i finds you. May be God you in mind before creating me. hope to tok to you soonest.please email me back so i will be sure that u gets this messg."
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Thanks Moe for this the rolling duffel project link! It's a very cool Dallasite Katrina helping site! I emailed them tonight because I wanta help!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Glad to be home from Vegas. I don't like it there much anymore. It's pretty least the people are...gambling, liquor, and sex...I'm just not that wild (anymore, at least...ha ha!). And I was sick the whole time...allergies, a cold, don't know...but very very happy to be home.
So I am reading on my various fat mailing lists that in places like Baton Rouge and Houston they are desperate for large/plus sized clothing. I have looked all around on the net to find where to take some in the DFW area. I just bagged up 11 big trash bags of fat chick clothes, many w/ the tags still on and 80% of it never worn. (Yes, I'm a clothes whore...there is a very wise fat woman in Lubbock that explains the psychology of why fat women horde clothing and that is because it's not so easy for us to just run out and buy stuff...there are limited shopping places, fat clothes are more expensive, etc. so most fat women have a great deal of anxiety about parting with their clothes even if they don't wear them and we buy stuff we don't need just in case we do need it in the future and can't find/afford it at that time...but I'm ready to part with this stuff because I saw a fat woman on TV wearing a trash bag because they don't have anything big enough to fit her at the shelter she's at!!!) SO, if any of yous' guys hear of any place in DFW for me to take my fabulous fat chick clothes where some trash-bag wearin' women can have it immediately...let me know!!!
So I am reading on my various fat mailing lists that in places like Baton Rouge and Houston they are desperate for large/plus sized clothing. I have looked all around on the net to find where to take some in the DFW area. I just bagged up 11 big trash bags of fat chick clothes, many w/ the tags still on and 80% of it never worn. (Yes, I'm a clothes whore...there is a very wise fat woman in Lubbock that explains the psychology of why fat women horde clothing and that is because it's not so easy for us to just run out and buy stuff...there are limited shopping places, fat clothes are more expensive, etc. so most fat women have a great deal of anxiety about parting with their clothes even if they don't wear them and we buy stuff we don't need just in case we do need it in the future and can't find/afford it at that time...but I'm ready to part with this stuff because I saw a fat woman on TV wearing a trash bag because they don't have anything big enough to fit her at the shelter she's at!!!) SO, if any of yous' guys hear of any place in DFW for me to take my fabulous fat chick clothes where some trash-bag wearin' women can have it immediately...let me know!!!