Saturday, April 21, 2007

Willam is officially engaged to Heather!

That is why he came to town, to buy her a ring. He flew home this morning because he had asked her parents to come in town so he "could talk to them." He asked them for her hand in marriage this afternoon, before Heather got home from the play she is currently working on--they were excited and said yes. Tonight she went into another room and when she came out he said "You didn't even ask me if I brought you a surprise from Dallas..." she said "Did you bring me candy?" (she loves Candyhaven in Denton) he said "Yes, look in the closet." When said walked back out, he was down on one knee. SO EXCITING!

I am so happy for both of them. It seems like he loved her from day 1 about 2 years ago--he has always been so happy with her. She has been with him through a really rough year and never blinked an eye. I welcome her into our family--I'm excited to have a new "sister."

My mom would be thrilled--she loved Heather and would be so proud of them both.

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