Monday, May 11, 2009

Why haven’t I blogged? No reason. There have been several things that I thought “hey, I should blog that…” But I haven’t.

There are 13 days of school left and I’m SO ready for it to be over! However, I am also a wee bit anxious about next year. I have had ONE interview that I got a letter from them that they had decided to hire from within. I’ve applied at 40-50 districts. I mean, really!? There isn’t someone that wants a special ed teacher w/ 4 years experience and an almost M.Ed.? We can’t really pick a place to move to until I have a job, so for now, we are stuck. Not that we’ve had tons of offers on our house…we’ve shown it quite a bit, but no offers. I keep telling myself that it will all happen in God’s time…but I don’t seem to be able to remember that when I’m waking up in the middle of the night thinking things like “what if my phone number is wrong on my resume?!” or “maybe my computer (at work) is blocked from sending these applications and I need to resend them from home…” SO, if you happen to know any random principals/administrators anywhere in the DFW area, you should email me and I’ll give you my resume and you can pass it along :)!


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