Monday, July 29, 2002

I have so been meaning to ask! How was Moby?
I miss my poodle doo soooooooooo much. I always get mad at her, but now that she has been gone over a week I am SO ready for her to come home! I called today to check on her and they didn't call me back until I had already left for work. I know she is doing wonderful though, she was college material from day one. She graduates on Saturday and I can't wait.

I got my car back today too. It's been at the Dr. for a long time. Nina, a co-worker of mine, took me this afternoon when she got off to get it. That was very nice of her. I was hopeing they would give it a surprise bath, but they didn''s still a dusty brown color rather than black.

I missed the first episode of Sex and the City last week, but I watched it last night. I have to say that I didn't think it was too funny. Carrie's hair looks adorable though. Very becoming. I hope they aren't loosing their edge with all the babies and what not. But there is just nothing about a Catholic crissening (sp?) that I find amusing.

My mother purchased bubbles today for the wedding. I *hate* bubbles. As if my wedding is not sporting enough of a trashy overtone with it being in Vegas and Kay decides to buy wedding cake & champagne bottle shaped bubble containers. She also bought chocolate coins that say "Vic and Amanda 10.5.02". I won't even go there.

Did I mention that I'm getting married in flip-flops? Yes. It's true.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Office Depot only had a 3 hole punch and a single hole punch. They also had ones that punched hearts and stars. But no double punchers. Damn the man.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

"Sluts just heal quicker."
-Sophia on The Golden Girls

ha ha ha ha ha ha

I was flipping the channels and this is what I heard. Damn funny. Not funny enough to actually watch the show, but still.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

I've been in Vegas since Saturday, just got back. We had fun. We stayed at Luxor and just hung out, even got drunk. That was the first time we'd done that together our 2 year relationship. Vic had never been to Vegas. He liked it, but he doesn't want to like it. He called it Babylon. Ha ha, so true. I went to an oxygen bar and they hooked my hose up and I inhaled, very cool. My headache disappeared. We bought some art, originals, Tom Everhart. Cool. We flew home first class. Cool. I felt like a princess. Vic said I am. Oh-sugary-sappy-sweet. Guess that's how it's posed' to be when you are out there planning your wedding. I'm even more excited! Yeah for getting/becoming a ball & chain!

So that is my excuse for not blogging. Humpt.

Thursday, July 18, 2002

SO yeah, I've been at work since 8 am. I'll be here til 9 pm. And ALL I want is a frickin' coke. I don't have 2 quarters to purchase one from the machine. My car says "CHECK CHARGE SYSTEM" on the dash board, meaning, I am sick and need a doctor/mechanic. SO I'm fixin' to take my "lunch" and rather than eating, I'm going to get an allergy shot and take my car to the doctor and get a rental. I might take longer than an hour and stop and get a coke. Yeah, just maybe. What are they going to do, fire me?

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

You know the moral of that story? It goes along with Oprah's advise about thank you notes. Don't use the gift until you have written and mailed the TU-note. If that man hadn't spent the $100, there wouldn't have been a raffle for a dead donkey.

The other moral to that story is people are stupid. You can get away with anything if you promise them a chance of happiness. Though I'm not sure why in hell anyone would waste $2 on a chance that they *might* win a donkey. What does one do with a donkey?

Mandy gave me her prescription pain drugs. Bitchin' dude.
A city boy, Kenny, moved to the country and bought a donkey from
an old farmer for $100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.
The next day the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the donkey died.

Kenny: "Well then, just give me my money back."
Farmer: "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."
Kenny: "OK then, just unload the donkey."
Farmer: "What ya gonna do with him?"
Kenny: "I'm going to raffle him off."
Farmer: "You can't raffle off a dead donkey!"
Kenny: "Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he is dead."

A month later the farmer met up with Kenny and asked, "What happened
with that dead donkey?"

Kenny: "I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a
piece and made a profit of $898.00."
Farmer: "Didn't anyone complain?"
Kenny: "Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back."

Kenny grew up and eventually became the chairman of Enron.
You see, I hadn't heard from my Aunt since March. But she is back, and she is pissed that she's been away so long. I am the devil and no one wants to hear one thing that I have to say. Grrrr. I am eatin Midol like candy and still all I do is scowl.

I'm watching a wedding story and it's Tercel and Veronika. NO shit. My wedding could be at a junk yard and it would be prettier. I could wear my black lace bell bottoms and I would look more bridely. I could not wash my hair until Oct 5th and it wouldn't be as shiny as Veronika's. I think they did this one just to ease my worries about mine not being beautiful. This gives me something to aim for. It must be better than what is on TV today.

Sex and the City starts back up on Sunday. Helllzzzz yeazzz-owe! I'm going to Lubbock this weekend and then Vegas on Monday. Vic needs to do laundry or I'm not going to have anything to wear.

I must go wax my pitch fork.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

BTW: Those glasses make me wish that I was blind. :)
I found my gifts for all my wedding party people. Whooo hooooo! They all rock. I just hope Vic agrees to it all. The dudes gifts are a little fun-ky! For that matter, so are mine. But they are special too. I want one. I think I might get the hostests with the mostest of my shower the same, just smaller because they are THAT cool.

Friday, July 12, 2002

It rained here today and it was so pretty. I was taking a nap and it woke me up and I stayed in bed and watched it out of my big windows. It was so happy.

I talked to Kurt (Slap) today and he was calling to find out where everyone was staying. He and Pud are for sure coming to Vegas. That's rocks. I've not seen either in TOO long!

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

So the vet on wheels came to visit Nancy this morning. She has yeasty beasties in her ear. Yes, that's right, a yeast infection in her ear. Um, can we all collectively scream GROSS. She plucked it, cleaned it, and gave her some ointment. That's a gross word. Anywho, Nancy was such a brave girl! I will include the link to the vet on wheels cause it was cool. She also now weights 54 lbs! That's 10 more than when we got her 6 months ago! She's a precious poodle!

Vic started a new job today. He is working 9 to 5. Trying to make a livin'! He's working for a portable X-ray place. Don't think we don't get a company MINI-VAN, cause we do. Vic's pimpin the family-mobile. I drive a bonneville and he a mini-van. People will think that we have at least 6.5 children! But, no, the explanation is much simpler than that. We are just not "hip" anymore. Well, I'm not...I don't know if he ever was. Hee hee. Anyway, he's keeping the other job too. That means he will now work 72 hours a week. Holy damn Uncle Sam! So the only time he is not working is when I am at work. What's a girl to do?

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Moby rocks. I'm jealous. I knew they were giving that away and it is bad ass that you won. If Misti doesn't blog soon, I'm going to vomit all over her pathetic whinnnny hiney bitching about packing for a the trip to see her lovely in-laws. I'm getting married in Vegas. Cool. I'm going to read my book. I need to finish it soon. I ordered 7 books today off of I have to read them all in less than 3 months because they are all wedding/marriage books for Christian couples. I'm really getting worried about this whole wifey thing. SO I'm going to read books about how to do it, you know, like an instruction manual. I need "Marriage for Dummies." MISTI! You could write it! Hardy har har. I love you!

Friday, July 05, 2002

Yesterday was my birthday, thanks for the thrill. I printed them off and took them to my box to, uhhh, DREAM. Yeah, that's it, dream. But I cleaned up the mess, so don't tell my Mom. You're one fine pussy cat, Ms. Blewm! -Carson

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

I'd like a picture of Ms. Blewn.
With a good shot of all 6 jugs.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

So did anyone else see that cigs went to 7 bucks a pack in New York? WTF?!?! They interviewed this lady and she had a smokers cough and she said "It'll cost me 25 thousand dollars a year to keep smoking!" I was amazed! But then, I did the math and that's like how much it would cost for her if she smoked 9.78 packs a day, that would 8.15 cigs per hour. And where as I know that if there is some CL in your system, you might be able to smoke 8.15 cigs an hour, that is actually highly unlikely because that would be for 24 hours a day. And if there is CL in your system you are going to need to sleep it off so she won't be able to smoke 24/7 to be able to smoke $25,000 in smokie treats, so whatever! Ms. Cough was full of it, and not just nicotine!


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