Monday, July 29, 2002

I miss my poodle doo soooooooooo much. I always get mad at her, but now that she has been gone over a week I am SO ready for her to come home! I called today to check on her and they didn't call me back until I had already left for work. I know she is doing wonderful though, she was college material from day one. She graduates on Saturday and I can't wait.

I got my car back today too. It's been at the Dr. for a long time. Nina, a co-worker of mine, took me this afternoon when she got off to get it. That was very nice of her. I was hopeing they would give it a surprise bath, but they didn''s still a dusty brown color rather than black.

I missed the first episode of Sex and the City last week, but I watched it last night. I have to say that I didn't think it was too funny. Carrie's hair looks adorable though. Very becoming. I hope they aren't loosing their edge with all the babies and what not. But there is just nothing about a Catholic crissening (sp?) that I find amusing.

My mother purchased bubbles today for the wedding. I *hate* bubbles. As if my wedding is not sporting enough of a trashy overtone with it being in Vegas and Kay decides to buy wedding cake & champagne bottle shaped bubble containers. She also bought chocolate coins that say "Vic and Amanda 10.5.02". I won't even go there.

Did I mention that I'm getting married in flip-flops? Yes. It's true.

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