Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Allison went to Sonic last night a little after 10. There were 3 or 4 tables filled with people, Allison commented that it looked like a youth group. There was one special table of 4 girls, who appeared to be about 15 years old. What made them special was the fact that they had hats made out of tin foil, shaped a little like a Hershey's kiss, on their heads AND they were not the least bit giggly about it. So Allison rolls the window down and says, "Excuse me, but what is the significance of your hats?" The one with her back to us turned and said very matter of factly, "To keep the aliens out." Allison rolled up the window. They didn't crack a single smile, they just carried on as they had.

Allison and I, of course, laughed hysterically about it. I came up with the fun idea of getting out of the car and creeping up behind them, wiggling my fingers as if I were casting a spell or stealing their thoughts, and ripping a hat off and saying "You just thought you could keep me away!!!"


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