Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I haven't really talked about this (The CDC is So Busted: Fat Stats Overblown 14x) because, well...I haven't really known what to say other than NO SHIT?!

I knew the "300,000 deaths due to being fat each year" stat was crap. I knew that the people in this country are terrified of being fat and many would rather be dead than fat. I knew that the weightloss industry is one of the most profitable industries in this country and someone has to keep scaring people to buy the diets. And that the diet industry almost always has a hand in the research that the media reports to encourage us to eat low-carb/low-fat/pills/surgeries/etc because that's big bucks. I also knew that something was going to have to break because one can only keep reporting a lie for so long...I mean, we all now know the world is round.

So today when Alexa Conomos reported the outdated statistic like 2 weeks after she reported the new statistic...I was miffed. So I wrote her this email:


Today you introduced the Accomplia story on the News at Midday and stated that it treats the "two" biggest killers in the US: obesity and smoking. That statement is wrong. Obesity is officially considered the #7 killer, behind car accidents and gun deaths. The CDC has recently recanted their exaggerated statistics due to them being completely false.

Here is a reference of this finding:
Excess Deaths Associated With Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity
Flegal et al. JAMA.2005; 293: 1861-1867.

There is also a lot of information gathered on the subject on the Big Fat Blog website:

Just thought that you would like to know so that you can report information more accurately!


I know she probably won't write me back. But I just had to say something about her totally reporting something they know is wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thunder is rolling,
Water getting low,
According to our sources,
BigFatBlog is the place to go...
Because tonight, for the first time, just about half past two...for the first time in history the media must tell the truth


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