Friday, July 20, 2007


That's what the giant bumper sticker said on the back of a truck in front of me today. I was so offended. Like, I felt like my mother because my mouth well open and I started saying things like "Why. I never...." and "Who does he think he is?!" Vic was offended too, which actually kind of surprised me...I mean, he should have been, but he didn't even chuckle or anything.

It got me thinking. With all of the focus right now on people, and rap music, saying the "N" word, the "B" word, and the "H" word (which Al Sharpton says is "Ho" but I prefer thinking of the bad "H" word as "Hillary" HA!), words have the meaning we assign to them. If I take offence to the word bitch, then I have let someone control me with their words.

Think about the word "gay." It's my aunt's middle name. It did not used to mean homosexual, it used to mean happy and sunny. But we have transformed the meaning and a lot of people use it trying to hurt others. BUT, if other's are not offended by it, it looses it's power. The same with claiming the word FAT, which I personally love to use. I'm fat. When someone calls me that, even when I can tell they are trying to be rude, it is still a word that I like...and it doesn't bother me. That word doesn't hurt. I'm sure that some African American people have done the same with the "N" word. They have claimed it to take it's power away. But it is a word that offends me. When I hear it used, I cringe because to me it is the a worded that is filled with hatred.

But then, we have thoughts/ideas/statements like the above mentioned. What kind of looser thinks that is cool in any form or fashion? I feel so sorry for any woman that encounters this creep. That is so degrading to women. One brought him in to this world and another one probably gave birth to his children. SO, where I am really not offended by words...and do believe that letting something like this get to me is giving him some power over my feelings...I also think that sometimes we just have to take a stand for what is good and decent. And this is not. So, preach on Brother Sharpton, I smell whatchur steppin' in with this one and am going to make a conscious effort to watch my mouth.

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