Sunday, December 02, 2007

So I'm a little late with my list of what I'm Thankful for. Thanksgiving should be celebrated everyday, not the full bird and stuff(ing)...but the thankful part...this of course is not a complete list. Because that would go on forever. I am a very blessed girl and I do know it everyday.

I am thankful first and foremost for the fact that Jesus Christ is my saviour. I am continually humbled at the comfort He and His word provides me. I am so thankful that He died on the cross for my sins. And that because I learned that from my Mom and my Mema, I know that they are their with Him now that they are not here with me.

I am thankful for Vic, and that he is my husband. Twice. I'm thankful for all I learned from both marriages, and through our divorce. It brought us closer than I ever knew possible. He is a wonderful husband and I love him dearly.

I am thankful for William. We have been close for years now, but after loosing our Mom, I have a new appreciation for him and for the hand that we were dealt in life. He is more than a brother, he is a best friend.

I am thankful for my family. I grew up not really feeling like I was part of an extended family, but it turns out that I just had to be older to get to know them. Lance, Lori, Kelsi, Autumn, and Reagan--I can't get enough of them! I look forward to seeing them and am always sad when it comes to an end. Misti is the sister I didn't have, and even though there is distance between us, I think of her constantly. Allison is the more educated version of why I loved my Mother's family--she is quirky, kind, and complicated (in a good way). She has such a sweet spirit and inspires me to be a better person. I am thankful that I have gotten to know Randy and Tiffany better. I am also thankful for the Napoleon family. The more I get to know them, the more I like...even love...them.

My friends. I am the riches person I know when it comes to friends. I am so thankful to still have Jamey, Kim, Mandy, Tamalca, Bernadette, and others that have been around forever. I love them so very much! I am also excited and thankful to have made some new wonderful friends in the last few years-Susan, Catherine, Donna, Kelly, Amy, Aimee. Such neat people!

I am thankful for my job. I never imagined that I could be so happy at work. I look forward to seeing my kids and my coworkers each day. This job has brought me new friends, great experience, a lot of happiness. I love that I look forward to Mondays.

I am thankful that I am moving to a new place. It's still scary, but I'm up the the Albuquerque challenge...I love adventures. And with God being in control of this one...I am positive that good things will come.

I am thankful to have Madison (Maddie) in my life. She intriged me from the minute I saw her and I had to research Jacobsen Sydrome...didn't find much I just had to figure her out on my own. But then I just fell in love. She is what life is all about--love, fun, hugs, and laughter. I am also thankful that her parents have entrusted me in their wills that she is mine should something, God forbid, happen to them. I smile just thinking about her!

I am thankful for my animals-Nancy, Carson, and Woobie brighten each day!

Other random things I'm thankful for: Tivo, Sonic, XM radio--especially the Christmas music stations!, American Airlines for getting Vic and I back and forth safely to each other, and the internet!

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