7 School Days. So close, yet so far away. It's so weird for it to be Memorial Day, but more school days are ahead. I never like these last few days because everyone is DONE--kids, teachers--all of us. The library is closed. Text books have to be turned in tomorrow. So what's the point?
Tonight Vic, William, Heather, and I are going to Lance and Lori's to cook out. I'm about to go to the store to get the stuff to make a salad & homemade ranch dressing. I have spent the last hour googling "Chili's Ranch Dressing" but I can't find a copy cat recipe that seems right. I'm just tired of only liking ranch dressing in restaurants. It's not good out of a bottle and I have grown tired of the mix some mayo & milk w/ a packet kind. I finally settled on one that got good reviews, so we shall see.
So You Think You Can Dance came back last Thursday. I love it SO much! It's the most fun show ever. It inspires me to dance...of course not like them, because well, they are the size of my thigh, but I think that Vic and I are going to take dance lessons. Not sure what kind, and for sure not until I am finished w/ school (graduating in August--yeah!) and until my feet are fixed (June 20th having Extracorporeal Shock Wave Technology, aka Ossatron) but we are! And I can't wait! But for now, you so need to watch it!