Still no job. But I'm dealing with it better now. I know God brought us here for a reason, and right now I'm convinced that it's because of the fertility doc. But it could just be that we needed to get out of the house we were living in and I needed my faith in educators renewed. I now work for an AWESOME principal that honestly does what is best for kids and has a wonderful, positive attitude. So all will be fine.
In other news, Vic's "test" came back from the fertility dr. and it pretty much said that he is the reason we aren't getting prego. All these years Drs have just looked at my fat ass and said "the problem MUST be with her!" and although he was tested back in 03 when we first sought help, it seems there was a mistake. Someone stamped a big "NORMAL" stamp at the bottom of the results and no one until this Dr. has taken to time to look at anything other than the stamped word--but the actual number revealed issues. Which really didn't surprise either of us given the amount of radiation he has had--both for his own brain and being an x-ray tech for 8 years! That's not to say that I still don't have ovulation issues related to PCOS, but those are easily fixed w/ Clomid--which we always thought didn't work because we still weren't prego. But now we are going to try and see if I ovulate on my own and do IUI (interuterine insemination). So maybe soon we will have a Vicanda!
Dad and Sheri are coming today. They should be here soon. Everyone should come visit me. Please.