Saturday, October 04, 2008

We've moved in. We finally have internet. Misti came last weekend and helped us A LOT getting things unpacked. Things are starting to get settled. I've even made it through the 1st six weeks of school!

My biggest issue right now (other than that I'm still not unpacked) is that I want to buy things. Lots of things. New bedspread, new dishes, new rugs, new fun house things. Vic is shooting most of that down. But I'm still buying some things. Like a MacKenzie-Childs tea kettle & new placemats because they will be too cute in my kitchen! I still want the canisters and the clock and the pots and the rugs--all in Courtly Check print, of course. But so far I have been able to keep control.

My biggest complaint right now is not being able to find things that I need. Like organic meat and natural salt deodorant. I finally gave up and ordered 6 deodorants from for 35 damn dollars due to over $10 in shipping. Before this runs out, I'm going to have to remember to buy it when I'm in DFW! I also researched and found a few places to buy organic meat in Amarillo so we are going to take a cooler and get some.

AND, last but definitely most important: my biggest joy. In about 5 minutes, Vic and I will have been married 6 years. Lots of ups and downs as you all know...but it has all been so worth it. I love him more today than I even knew possible 6 years ago, and I feel a greater love from him. Getting a divorce was the best thing we ever did for our relationship--crazy, I know. We decided not to count the time we were apart. Because there were only about 3-4 weeks that we didn't talk, and that was actually before we were divorced. After all, we did have dinner together the night our divorce was final! So earlier, as we talked about what we were doing 6 years ago tonight, we were both so thankful for where we are. Vic lost his wedding ring the day we moved into the house, the one that he designed to match the one he had made for me. I took him to James Avery tonight and bought him the Song of Solomon wedding band that has "My beloved is mine, and I am hers" in Hebrew on it. He was surprised and he loves it. Marriage is good.


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