16 Random Things About Me
1. I have NO musical ability at all, but sing to my husband, poodle, and kitties on a daily basis--mostly in the morning when I'm getting ready for work. Typically familiar songs that I've changed to words too. Few others ever hear me do it.
2. I have an unnatural fear of snow. It is not beautiful in any form or fashion.
3. I am happy being fat. I believe in being as healthy as possible at whatever size you are. I believe that sizeism is a rampant form of legal discrimination. For more information, you should go to http://www.naafaonline.com.
4. I love big machines. Cranes, earth movers, trenchers, excavators, tunnel boring machines, even big tractors and cotton harvesters! I'm especially fascinated with this one: http://www.worsleyschool.net/science/files/extreme/excavators.html
5. After loosing my Mom and my Mema 18 months apart, I realize how blessed I have been. I will be eternally thankful to have been adored by them--the love they gave me is not comparable to anything I've ever experienced.
6. Teaching Special Ed is what God called me to do. I've learned to see strengths and run with them--hopefully fast enough to hurdle the weaknesses. In the beginning, I loved my kids for what they were not; but I discovered very quickly that I love them for what they are.
7. I want so very bad to be crafty. I love to make stuff. But everything I know how to do, and that's not much, is stuff I have taught myself. Someday I want to take lessons to learn to sew, paint, arrange flowers, and decorate cakes...just to name a few.
8. All girls catholic boarding school saved my life. I was headed in so many bad directions, but I traded a reckless year in Hobbs, NM for an extraordinary opportunity in Monterey, CA at Santa Catalina. Before that I didn't know that 1. Some people were NOT Christian 2. Gay People were not mythological creatures and 3. I like Opera.
9. I may live in Texas, and grew up only 5 minutes away from the TX boarder, but I do not understand how Texan's got to be so arrogant. Don't get me wrong, I like it here...but every state has great things.
10. I was a vegetarian for several years until I met Vic. I miss it, but he's a serious carnivore and for us to coexist I eat: chicken, turkey, and some beef. Occasionally I eat bacon if it is mixed into something. I REFUSE to eat anything that has EVER lived in water or is still attached to a bone.
11. Las Vegas is one of my favorite places on earth, but I don't gamble. Vegas is the best place in the world to people watch, window shop, eat in fabulous restaurants, AND go to incredible shows. I've seen "O" several times and always cry.
12. I used to play the Sims. I'd play for hours and hours. Sometimes when I was in college I'd play for 8-10 hours at a time. One day a counselor friend of mine said "Stop it! You are playing God and you like it too much!" She was right and I stopped. Cold turkey.
13. I'm a picker. I pick at everything. It's gross and I know it.
14. I love quotes. I keep a quote book. A well placed quote often amuses me more than original thought. I suppose that I like the idea of learning from someone else's experiences.
15. I don't like the way I look without glasses. Though I don't see as well out of contacts, it's really more about vanity.
16. I think my mom was a hippie. She taught me to never wear uncomfortable shoes or clothes, shaving your legs is only a suggestion, make-up is overrated, and that tie dye is beautiful.
“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” ~Winston Churchill
...Ok, maybe it is the end. ~ME ;)