Friday, June 13, 2008

So I went to see "The Happening." For anyone that knows me, knows that is not like me. I am a chicken. I didn't used to be, but it developed sometime in the last 10 years-ish. But I like M. Night Sham-a-lama-ding-dong. SO I went with Vic. It got really bad reviews and I now I know why. It was a frickin' environmental statement movie and I wish that someone would have warned me about all the suicide. For those of you that go, just be warned...the "happening" that happens...makes people kill themselves. In the first few minutes of the movie you figure this out, so I didn't spoil anything. But when the girl takes the metal chop stick out of her hair...close your eyes. This is the first one of his movies that I didn't like. I even liked Lady in the Water, which a lot of people didn't. Anyway, I'd love to hear other opinions.

We might be moving to Pampa, TX. It's a big possibility "might" too. I have an interview there on Tuesday at 9, so cross your fingers for me! Not real excited about the town...but I'm trying to look at this as an adventure. I just need an answer.

I'll be 30 in a week. Weird.


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