So we finally know that it's more a male factor than me (though, I still don't ovulate regularly). We were told that we needed to do IUI due to his viscosity. I had to have progesterone injections in November to start my period. We were supposed to wait for the first IUI until I was up to 2000 mg of Metformin, which I reached about 3 weeks ago. SO, we had been planning that this month was going to be the first month we got to have the IUI.
I started my period today, exactly 31 days since my last one started, without progesterone. This is the first time this has happened in a good year...I either go 60-90 days or have to use progesterone. Anyway, I was so excited to call the Dr.'s office and tell them. The nurse's response was "Oh, gosh, darn the luck. We better start next month because we are closed the 24-5th and you will ovulate between those dates."
I wanted to cry. I know it's just another month, but really it's going on 6 years. I keep telling myself that it's all in God's time anyway, and that obviously this egg is not the 1/2 of what is supposed to be our child...but that just hasn't seemed to work today...