Thursday, January 23, 2003

Nancy had her first day of poodle school on Tuesday, and I have to say...she was a star! Not only did she do every command...but she also didn't try to eat a single person! Her father and I were SO proud.

Funny Story: Nancy had met a classmate last week when we were practicing just being in Petsmart, a 6 mo old chocolate lab named Theo. Well, they were not fast friends to say the least. Six months is the cut off for who's in the puppy class and who's in the adult class. One would hope that Nancy would be a little better behaved since she is 2 years old...but no. Theo's Mom and I were holding on for dear life to the leashes so they didn't eat each other. We finally drug them apart and Theo left the building. So this week, they meet again. And because Nancy had gotten used to being in Petsmart, she didn't pay much attention to them. But Theo's Mom told me that she was telling her husband about the episode and he looked at Theo and said "OHHH, poor little fella...what kind of big mean dog wanted to eat you?? A doberman? A rottweiler?" And Theo's Mom said "A poodle." Hee hee.

My parents are coming tomorrow. They really need to improve on their planning skills rather than waiting until the last minute so I have to scramble and get things in order for their arrival. You see, Vic and I give them our bed when they are I have to parents-proof the room. You know, change the sheets, clean the bathroom, hide the whips and chains...

Sunday, January 19, 2003

I have known that Fred #3 would be here on MLK day for at least a month. I've been telling myself since then that I would have everything clean and the kitchen stocked and ready for the first visit of an in-law since the wedding. He'll be here in exactly 16 hours and all I've done is dust one coffee table and start one load of laundry. I just called my darling husband, #4, at work to ask if he intended to clean anything before the arrival of his dad. "Um, if WE just pick up the living room a little it should be fine." We is the key word here, he doesn't get off work until 11 pm. So I told him that if I had a mouse in my pocket there would be a WE, but I don' it's just me. And what about the bedroom? I have one word for it: tornado. I suppose the rest of the house is in order other than a quick pick up in the living room...but still, has he not noticed that we have the remains of a natural disaster in our love nest? No, apparently not. And the worst part? Most of the clothing victims are clean, I'd venture to say that 95% are clean...but darling #4 is against putting clean clothes where they go. He prefers to have everything sprawled out in front of him to choose from while dressing. But I suppose that is what I get for asking him to do the laundry. But I've been using my reserve undies because they are all that are left in my drawer and I'm not brave enough to choose underwear off the floor. And there is no need to wear THOSE now that I'm married....ha ha ha.

And how did I get from my father in-law to slut garb? Because I'm procrastinating.

And how are procrastination and masturbation the same???

You are only fucking yourself.

Saturday, January 18, 2003

Why is it that I have homework to complete by Tuesday for Petsmart college w/ Nancy and I'm spending my FRIDAY night doing it and even though I'm in graduate school I have NEVER spent an entire Friday night EVER doing my own homework? Yeah, I don't know either. And as for this homework...there is a lot of shit to remember! I'm not supposed to ever say "NO" to them. Rather, I have chosen "HEY!" to be my negative word marker. When she (or Frank) does something wrong, I exclaim the negative word marker and as soon as they have stopped/corrected their behavior, I excitedly use the positive word marker which I have chosen to be "GOOD girl/boy!" That's neat and good and all, but when Nancy is chasing the cat and Frank is eating the plants I can't help but use a collective "NO! STOP IT! YOU BASTARDS!" But a dog is only as smart as its human because we are, after all, responsible for teaching them all that they know. Therefore, I have dedicated my usually busy (hardy har har) Friday nights to the betterment of poodles everywhere. Amen.

Fred #3 will be here on Monday to spend the night before he going to Mexico to build a church. What does this mean to me other then I will have to be on my best behavior? Garage door opener. Hellzzz yeah baby! We've lived here since April and it's about 12 below zero (ok, so it's just 28, according to I can not frickin wait to pull into my garage and stroll into my house without braving the elements!! So that's the plans of Fred #3 & #4...make Mama happy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

So we have been taking Nancy everyday to Petsmart to get her used to it because she is a loud mouth. They are getting to know us there very well. Tonight we took Franklin too, he was friends with everyone.

I asked the trainer, Angie, how she got to be a trainer. She applied for the position and went through training at Petsmart...they have their own program thing. She said she knew a lot of it going into it, but had to learn their policies and what not. I wonder if it pays good? I think that would rock.

I was going to be a teacher through Region 11 just like Meestee through Region 18, but I don't think I am now. Seems they are going to work with me and get me graduated w/ my MS in Aug 04. Even just taking 6 hrs this semester. That's including practicum AND internship. But it will require me to take 3 hrs this summer; 9 fall of 03; 9 spring of 04; and 6 summer 04. There is NO time to be a teacher with that schedule! I had anticipated them to say that because of their odd way of when they actually offer each class that I wouldn't even be eligible to take practicum or internship until around spring 05...that would have been taking 3-6 hrs until I was going to try and teach until then and then see what I wanted to do. I think now I'm just going to get through my MS and then maybe do a certification program to teach. Then we can move if need/want be. I can get my teacher certificate anywhere, but a MS in rehab must be done in Denton.

You know what I really want to be??? I want to be a school counselor. That would rock. In order to do that I need a masters (will have in @ 18 months) and to have taught for a couple of years. Maybe someday!

Sunday, January 12, 2003

The Napoleon House: Making the world safe for dustbunnies.

Just doing my part.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

In case any of you are interested...Domino's Dot's are SO falsely advertised. They are about the size of a small McDonald's Chick Nugget. And they are pizza dough balls rolled in goo w/ more goo as dipping sauce. I'm glad that I hate their pizza and wasn't counting on much because my other half was highly disappointed in his favorite pizza place.

My poo's were beautified today. They are extra fancy now. The stylist said that Nancy didn't act as well as she should have because she was so concerned with Franklin. She said it was "amazing she was SO attached to's like he is HER puppy." She's so sweet, worried about her baby brother.

I also made the mistake of going to UNT today. I had to finalize my name change and get 10 official copies of my transcript. Little did I know that today was new student orientation. I must look like I know my way around (or maybe just old) because I was asked at least a half dozen times directions or general info. So what if I'm a graduate student, got my undergrad there, and have been a student there for over 2 years....I don't know where to get ID cards made, don't know when classes start, and I sure as hell don't know where the nearest coffee shop is. Ask someone who is already carrying a backpack. Even better if the pack has wheels. I'm sure they know.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

Is there a reason that digital cameras EAT batteries? I even have the rechargable ones and it eats those too. I attempted to take a few pictures tonight but my camera died. I did get a few though. I think I posted them to our wedding website. But it's telling me something wierd about bandwidth.

Vic is tired of chicken. I can't imagine why.


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