Friday, November 14, 2003

What I would not have given to have been a fly on the wall!!!!! This is the email (subject: Killer Kitty) that I got from my mom this morning:

"Bob saw a mouse in the sunroom while we were watching tv, then I saw it and screamed. It made me feel creepy. I went and woke up the cat and brought him into the sunroom. He sat at the door meowing to get out. Bob showed him the mouse for quite a long time before kitty saw it, chased it, caught it. He had it in his mouth carrying it around. I said "Pick him up and shake him" Bob wouldn't. Kitty dropped the mouse to play with it and it started to move again...Brave kitty caught it again. He was slobbering holding the mouse. Bob went and got a broom and hit the cat to make him drop the mouse, then Bob beat the mouse to death. Brave Bob. I was trying to climb in the chair. I didn't want the mouse to run over my feet or touch me at all. Kitty can't drink after me anymore. Toilets I could ignore but mouse slobber..yuck..probley poison.

Got to go pour out my water because the cat did get a drink. I will go wash it in HOT water.

It is 1:08 in the morning. Where are you?"

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