Sunday, October 31, 2004

I have 5 papers due this week and I'm not even close to being done. We have no food. None. And it's raining so I don't want to go to the grocery store. Maybe the rain will keep the tricker treaters away. Have I mentioned that I *HATE* halloween? I'm sure I probably did last year...and the year before....yep, still hate it. It's evil and there is nothing cute about it. My friend Sheri told me I was a halloween scrooge. I thanked her. The whole point is this: John 3:11 "do not imitate what is evil." That's what halloween is all about...

Happy Halloween?

Should Christians participate in Halloween?

Halloween: Christian Perspective on

The Dark Side Of Halloween

1 comment:

MarissaD said...

Uh oh. I was an evil pixie. What is going to happen to me? :P


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