Thursday, June 16, 2005

So I had the test review for the teacher certification test tonight. I got out earlier than I thought. Allison had class til 9. We had already decided to go eat after she got out of class. So I got home and worked on some job applications and whatnot for a couple of hours before she arrived. Once here, she hurried us out the door.

So before I continue, I should tell you that in my single life I have moved my shoe closet from my closet to under my desk. All my shoes now live here. Well, ok, not all. But most. I should also remind you that I pretty much only wear Birkenstock and they are only made with a few basic sole a lot of my shoes have the exact same soles.

So anyway, as she was hurrying me to leave...I glanced under my desk and slid on two shoes that in the semidark room, appeared the same. We drove to the restaurant and were walking to the door when I noticed that my feet felt slightly different. Below is a picture of what I looked down to see. I informed Allison of my mistake, we laughed and went inside. Not sure if anyone else noticed or not. Don't really care. I think I've turned into one of those dorky eccentric chicks, but I'm fine with that.

Oh, and on a side note...On the way home the following sentence came out of my mouth in a very factual, profound way:

"I like any song that spells out the word 'pimp.'"

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