Wednesday, October 23, 2002

This has been the first day that being married is WEIRD. I do believe I've hit the point that I always have denied I'd come to. I came to the puter this morning not to look up movie times, not to float around aimlessly, not even to read to the news or check my mail. I came to the computer this morning to search for tips on making a pot roast. A month ago I would have scoffed at the chance of that EVER happening. But today that is what my life consists of. I packed his lunch, watched the View, and discovered that for the perfect pot roast it's best to brown it on both sides a smige in some oil before adding the water and whatnots. Next? Laundry, a nap, going to the cleaners to get his uniforms, and cooking the roast. I feel like I'm on an old black and white TV show. Not sure if it's Leave It To Beaver or The Twilight Zone....

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