Thursday, November 14, 2002

Banks and Insurance companies bite my ass. I can't do much about the insurance co., but I stomped into my bank today and closed my account. They have been hasslin' me about changing my name since I began trying a month ago. Finally I thought we had it all taken care of 2 weeks ago when the chick said "Call and report your Check Card lost/stolen and they will send you a new one reflecting your new name, but wait until won't go into the system until Midnight!" So I waited 3 days to let it get good and into their system. I called and told them, they verified my name and info (and it was my new name!) and I cut up my card. I've been without my card for a good 10 days. And today, Alas! The new one was glimmering in the mailbox. I open the envelope addressed to my new name only to find a card with my OLD name. WTF!?!?! So rather than bickering on the phone with some bitter person that hates their job, I went to the nearest branch and chewed on everyone I came in contact with. SO now I have cash and tomorrow I'm going to a local credit union and opening an account, and everyone at the Vista Ridge Compass Bank Branch knows so! Rather empowering if I do say so myself. Chalk one up for the little people.

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