Sunday, November 03, 2002

It's totally been a weekend o' movies.

Jackass is great. I mean, a lot of times movies like that are only kinda funny. Like I thought they would include some stuff that was prolly funny to those who were there, but not to anyone else...but this one is just damn funny. The only part I had a hard time with was the self inflicted paper cuts between the toes and fingers. Couldn't watch that. I think that I may be sick and twisted though, because I had tears in my eyes from laughing to hard several times. Those guys are just straight dumbasses. Hence the name, I suppose.

I've also watched: Mr. Deeds (still betty betty sneaky); Forest Gump (still hate it); Pulp Fiction x2 (still rocks "I had to crash that Honda."); The Craft (never seen it all the way through and now I remember why); Almost Famous (so cute!) Tribulation Force-Left Behind 2 (the book was MUCH better); Frailty (enjoyed it as much as you can a movie like idea thou); and now I must go watch Insomnia.

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