Saturday, November 16, 2002

Sheesh. It's only been two days Moe!

We went to 2 banks and 1 credit union to gather information so that I may open a new account. Didn't like any of them. Vic says we should open our own bank, he had a whole ludicrous plan has to how to pull that off. I'm thinking of going with Uncle Eddy's (from National Lampoon) way of banking and just burying it in coffee cans and whatnot.

I've been trying to get myself in the holiday spirit but I'm feeling more and more Ebonezerish every day. Did anyone else notice that they replaced the horrid election TV commercials with Christmas ones? For Pete's Sake (ask Misti who Pete is if you are curious)!!! I'm trying to figure out my Thanksgiving plans and they want me to think about figgie pudding and Mr. Claus and stuff! But just in case anyone is wondering...*I* am cooking a turkey and all the fixins at *MY* house for the parents this year, just like last year. And I have begun shopping for Christmas.

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