Wednesday, March 12, 2003

3 posts in one day! Making up for all those other times when I didn't blog!

Anyway, I found this and dig it the most. Afua Cooper is from Jamaica, mon!

"To Khetiwe" by Afua Cooper.

So sista
you ask me
what can a woman who likes being big
a woman who enjoys her size
do when other sistas make unfavourable comments about
it and coyly suggest weight-loss clinic
"it's not easy being a fat Black woman," you say

I can make a few suggestions
potential replies to throw back at these mahgah women
first tell them that you are into yourself
and because you are into yourself
you're not a slave to fashion
not a slave of babylon
then tell them that thin might be in
but fat is no sin
next, ask if they know of their ancient traditions
that in southeastern Nigeria
the rich and not so rich used to send their daughters
to Old Calabar to make them beautiful
beautiful in this case meant
above size 12

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