Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I forgot to mention that I made the damn appt. I go see the P.A. at the Texas Back Institute on the 25th at 1:30 so she can order an MRI or whatever before I see the actual Dr. They only see new patients on Tue afternoons, and they can't see me next week. Which is pretty much fine cause I'll be in little H-town.

But another thing that is going to mess it all up is Vic took a new job today. It's at Children's Med Ctr of Dallas. He'll start the 31st with a pay raise of 9 bucks an hour compared to where he's at now. It's from 3-11 M-F, but for the first month he'll be's also a good 30 minutes away. So for now we are going to have a seminormal life! I can't wait for us to start going to church!!! YEAH! But we will have to change insurances. No yeah. SO, I'm a little anxious that while the TX Back Institute takes my current insurance; what if they won't take my new one and I go and have an MRI all for nothing just to have to start all over and find a new place to go?!?!

Maybe I should cancel the appt and wait till we have our new insurance....

OH MY GOSH!!! Am I the only one who is TOTALLY amazed that they found that little Smart girl?! I had written her off long ago. What I really want to know is why in the heck did a 15 year old girl not make some kind of escape attempt in 9 months? I mean, maybe she did...but still, they are saying she appears to be in good shape! And wasn't she just walking down the street? I would have risked a bullet in the back for a chance at my freedom! There has got to be more to this story!

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