Sunday, March 28, 2004

Someone gave me "Neutral" feedback! I SCOFF! Bitch said that I was "slow shipping & slow to communicate but item as promised." I didn't bitch when it took her a damn week just to pay via paypal. I mailed the frickin thing the SAME DAY that I got her payment...for 5.50 did she really expect overnight delivery?! And she wrote me 7 days later to let me know she had it. She wrote me once on the 18th to check to see if I mailed it and I wrote her back on the 19th to say that I had and gave a tracking #, with an explanation that I was at a funeral and I was sorry I didn't reply the same day. I hate stupid people. I had perfect feedback until this. And it's not even true. If it had been true I wouldn't mind. But it's not. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

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