Sunday, August 11, 2002

I'm at Misti's. I've been in Hobbs for SO long. I finally took a break on Friday and came to Midland. We went out last night to Logan's, Chelsea's, and Grahm's (sp?). We drank too much in too little time. It was fun though, I saw 2 Hobbs people. One was the doorman at the last place. I went to school w/ him from like 4th grade on. Never once had I spoken to him before my drunken friendly self introduced me last night. He acted like he didn't know me, but he did. I'm not even that cocky, but I know that he knew me. The other was this guy that I totally recognized his name, but didn't his face. He was 2 years younger than me and a thug (I think) and he approached me in the parking lot and used the same line that I did to the door man..."Aren't you from Hobbs?!" SO not only is Odessa full of Andrews people...they must all be mingling with H-town people. Small world.

I'm going back to Hobbs tomorrow to wait for Vic to come back (he flew back to DFW on Thursday to work all weekend) and we might be getting a new addition to the family. No, not another furbaby, but a truck. Yeah! I really want to get rid of his truck. I hate it. We will be in Hobbs til Friday then Lubbock til Sunday. Most people when they go on two week vacations choose somewhere other than Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas.

I miss my Kitty Witty, we left him at home! My Fancy Nancy is in Hobbs though with her Grandparents and Uncle. She's got a sinus infection.

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