Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Carson looks sooooooooo beautiful. Vic and I shaved him. Of course, before I got home Vic had already given him a reverse mohawk. He's so friendly when he's naked. He is forced to depend on a human for warmth. He's such a cuddler! Too bad he still bites even when he's lying in your lap and you pet him too long. That's just his way of communication.

Misti is totally OOC with this who San Fran thing. There is no need to buy new clothes for 48 hours of trip. I am not even taking my makeup, much less making a purchase.

But! Today I did get some new tennies, New Balance, of course. AND! A kick ass pair of OP sandals. Yes, that's Ocean Pacific that hasn't been cool since like 1989, but they are comfy!!! They aren't cute at all, but I always wear Mandy's Nike sandals and she gets mad when she wants to wear them and they are on my feet. SO I got my own ugly athletic sandals.

Speaking of Mandy, she cut the snot out of her finger tonight. She was loading the dishwasher and somehow cut her right index finger to da bone. I helped apply pressure, but that was about it. It made me feel light headed just looking at her. I called Vic to come take care of her, but she found some balls and acted tough. Just when my right index finger is finally all healed from the Carson Cat Wound, she is now digitally disabled.

Speaking of tough...William had his wisdom teeth out today. I called my dad to check on him and he goes "He's fine, they got all his teeth." And I said "All, or just his wisdom teeth." And he said "All." And I said, "Is he getting dentures?" That's when he finally caught on to what I was saying. Bob was about as swift as a turtle that stepped in gum. But he's fine and they did only take his wisdom teeth. I just talked to him and he said he's going to the golf course tomorrow. That's smart! Yeah, oral surgery one day, round o' golf the next. They don't call them wisdom teef for nuthin'!

Not really sure what tough had to do with Williams teefers, other than he was tough to understand...but whatever. ;)

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