Tuesday, December 31, 2002

I had the greatest idea. I love to eat at home, and I also love to cook. But I hate to handle raw meat. So we eat a lot of things that use ground beef because you can cook it frozen and it doesn't have to be touched. So my idea was that I could boil a ton of chicken all at once and keep it in the frig so I wouldn't have to mess with that issue all the time. Just a lot at one time. SO I purchased 3 bags of 9 chicken breasts and thawed them last night. Today I cut all the crap off and boiled them. They are cooling now so I can refrigerate them. I was worried about how long they would stay good, but Mom read that they will stay good for 3-4 weeks. We can have 7-9 chicken meals in the next 3 weeks. I have been reading my cookbooks for things to cook. There are 4 new recipies to try that require boiled chicken and I have at least 4 old ones that I can make. I am truly becoming Martha Stewart.

Speaking of being a domestic engineer, I love the magazine Real Simple. It has delightful stuff in it. In this months' they profiled blow dryers. It made me want a new one. There is one bad ass one that is $89. I would my hair would be beautiful if I used that! I found a thing online to get 4 free issues of the zine. So I did. I have purchased them on road trips before, but never a subscription. I had intended to cancel after I received my free issues, but I think that I may go ahead and pay for a full year. That's amazing seeking as how I usually only read Spin and Newsweek; and I HATE schtuff like Cosmo.

I had originally thought that I would go to this party at Leanna’s house tonight, but then today I didn’t want to. But I do believe I have found my second wind. I am off to the shower and then to buy a bottle of Crown. It’s been awhile since I got down and dirty with royalty. I actually haven’t drank since Vegas!

Blog yall next year! Hope everyone has a SAFE and fun night!

Sappy Few Jear!

Monday, December 30, 2002

Agent 809 is absolutely adorable! I want to post pictures on my blog. Someone tell me how! Please? Though today would be a terrible day to take any of my poos.

It seems scrambled eggs gives the black one (as my mother says) the trots. I seriously think my carpet is ruined. Most of it was on the tile, but there were a few she just didn't make it. Sometimes I hate that I sleep so soundly, I know she had a miserable night and I slept through it. I gave her an Imodium. She hasn't died yet, so I guess that was ok. Tomorrow I'm going to call the vet, but she is still playful enough that I didn't think it warranted a trip to the ER.

There are (I think) 3 people that read this. Between the four of us we have 3 cats and 5 dogs. Neat.

Friday, December 20, 2002

I am SO glad someone else has heard those voices beckoning me to the computer. I don't feel as crazy now. Why didn't you tell me this before???
Picture this:

My husband dancing through the living room with a tiny brown poodle singing to the Beach Boys Surfin Safari song tune:

Let's go pee-pee now
Everyone's learnin' how
Come on and go pee-pee with ME!

That was when I revealed to him that each day with I give Frank a bath I sing (to the Row Your Boat tune):

Scrub, scrub, scrub the dog
Gently in the sink!
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Frank's life is but a dream!

and then when we are towel drying, I change scrub to "dry."

Yeah. I now have concrete proof why we got married. Both giant nerds.

Thursday, December 19, 2002

My Christmas shopping is done. Sad but true. It is a pretty sparse year, not much purchased. But lots of love, and that's what is important.

Tomorrow I’m on my way to Midland for a stop over and then on to Hobbs on about Sundayish. Vic won’t be there until Wednesday, but that’s ok. Time apart is nice. And then we will head back here on Friday. A week of me and my traveling poodles. What an adventure!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

You want a post? You got it.

So Very Bad Frank is still very bad. He is getting somewhat better about not peeing in the house, but sometimes he is still too busy to remember that he should go outside. He has 2 speeds: fast and off. Today he was playing with Nancy and I thought it was prolly time to go outside. So I said "let's go pee-pee." (BTW, that's Vic's choice of command...I think it's retarded.) and Very Bad gave me a sideways head look and squatted right then and there. At least he knows the word.

We also gave the 2 poodles a bath. Actually, since Very Bad gets one everyday it was no big deal for him. But he did go to the shower with his dad today. Vic took Very Bad in, scrubbed him up, and passed him out for me to dry. Then we forced Nancy in for her shower since it has been a good 6 weeks or so. She didn't really stink or anything, but I thought it was time. She was so sweet when I was blow drying her. I sat down in the floor and told her to come sit by me; instead she came and sat in my lap. Whatever gets the job done!

For anyone who does not regularly bathe dogs, you are so missing out on the after-bath run. After a bath, dogs must run as fast as they can for a good 10 minutes. It's like a natural energy boost. And since it's still relatively nice here, we went to the backyard to run figure 8's. What fun!

There's my day. I mean, my life. Now see why I haven't been posting? There is only so much you can say about poos.

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Moe! You are 1/4 a century! A quarter! Ancient! But I hope it is a very very happy day.

In other happy news, Mandy is graduating as I type. I didn't go to the actual ceremony, but I'm going to the after party at her parents house and then to the bar.

BTW, I knew about the jumper at the Galleria, Mandy told me. Not sure how she knew, but I noticed it wasn't on the news either. I may come see you next week, I need to go to Williams-Sonoma and a store close to the Galleria, so what days ya workin?

Thursday, December 12, 2002

I went to the bar tonight. It's a new place called BJ's Brewery. It's so tasty (we had dinner too). But I met Jason's girlfriend. Um. Well. I don't know what to say about her. Besides she has fake titties, drives a Benz, and talked about her jewerly from Tiffany's several times. I don't think she knows how to make chicken fried steak. But I suppose I will get used to her, seems he likes her a lot.

I didn't drink. I had no desire. But I had so much fun. Just sitting and talking. Like good ol' times. Mandy's friend from school, Casha, came up there. She's so cool!

Ok, it's time to sleep. Nighty nite.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Today's been a good day for 3 reasons:

1.) Vic was medically discharged from the army. Glory Be.

2.) His neurosurgeon in MD called and said that his most recent MRI was great. His AVM has shrunk considerably and is almost invisible to someone who doesn't know just right where to look. He has to have an angeogram in 6 months to take a closer look. Glory Be Again.

3.) Nancy and Franklin went to the vet. Besides the fact that I got to see my beautiful Dr. Gray, Nancy's ears are healthy. And VBF (Very Bad Frank) is almost healthy. He has some ear mites and some little intestinal parasite that only puppies are prone too, (not dogs cats or humans!) but both are easily taken care of. He also has a knot in his arm pit that I was very worried about, but it seems to just be a fat ball in his skin. No worries!

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

So I was just reading Misti's blog and I thought "Check the time, this could possibly be a drunken blog." And much to my suspicion, it was posted late last night. Probably around the time my phone rang and I had been asleep for so long that I couldn't figure out if it was the phone or the door bell...and then I looked over and couldn't figure out who Vic was. Don't ya hate that? When you are so asleep and you wake up and don't know where you are or who you are in bed with. This happened a lot to me as a child, but not in a long time w/out the help of some sort of alcohol.

Vic is being tested to see what kind of "friends" he has. But it seems highly unlikely that I would have caught them too. Thank the Good LORD.

I need a nap. The pupster has been in high gear since 7 a.m.

Monday, December 09, 2002

STD's are not TRULY disturbing. Tapeworms are. Dr. appt. at 3 this afternoon, still not really soon enough.

For your own safety and sanity of loved ones, don't eat rare meat.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Today has been so lazy! It's kinda misty outside and looks like I should be in my bed. Cept my comforter is in the dryer cause someone peed on it. None the less, I put my big heavy velvet quilt on it and attempted to nap but the same "someone" who peed on my NEW comforter was not in the mood for a nap. SO now it's too late for a nap and he's FINALLY napping. Mandy and Leanna are watching Ali in the living room, about that boxer dude. Something I'm totally not interested in. I don't think I'm going to make it until Vic gets home, therefore I will have to watch the Sopronos early. I was in bed at like 10 last night, and I think I will be tonight too.

Mom asked her brother (Walker) and his family to eat at the house for Christmas. They said yes. That will be cool and strange at the same time. This is the first year it's not just me, Will, Bob, & Kay. So not only are we adding my husband, but family that we haven't spent holidays with in a good 10 years.

Vic has a nasty problem that will require an urgent trip to the Dr. tomorrow. I will spare you all the details, but I have never been so truly disturbed. And if I catch it, I will Die with a capitol D.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

So the pupster (Franklin Henry) has been here for 8 days. Damn. He's busy.

Eat. Pee. Eat. Pee. Poop. Sleep. Sleep. Bite Nancy. Chase Kitty. Chase Nancy. Pee. Hump my leg. Hump the Blanket. Pee. Chase Nancy. Poop. Chase Nancy to try and Bite her. Repeat every 30 minutes.

He's already grown too. When we got him last Friday he could stand up on Nancy's big tall dog food bowl but couldn't reach anything on the inside. As of yesterday, he could reach the food and water. I think we are going to go get a baby gate to keep him out of the kitchen. Regulate intake to regulate outtake.

I'm going with Mandy and her family to a huge Christmas production thing at Prestonwood Baptist tonight in Plano. That's the biggest church I've ever been too. It has buses to take you from the parking lot to the building and things like gift stores inside. It should be cool though. Everything I've been to there has been cool.

So today in the Hobbs paper they listed people that are owed money by random places. I'm on the list with my address from when I lived in my duplex in H-town. The company that says they owe me money is one I've never heard of. But I won't argue. And I'm going to hurry up and claim so they don't change their minds!!!

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

This is funny. Damn Funny.


Monday, December 02, 2002

I am damn near done with my Christmas shopping. Glory Be!


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