Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Today's been a good day for 3 reasons:

1.) Vic was medically discharged from the army. Glory Be.

2.) His neurosurgeon in MD called and said that his most recent MRI was great. His AVM has shrunk considerably and is almost invisible to someone who doesn't know just right where to look. He has to have an angeogram in 6 months to take a closer look. Glory Be Again.

3.) Nancy and Franklin went to the vet. Besides the fact that I got to see my beautiful Dr. Gray, Nancy's ears are healthy. And VBF (Very Bad Frank) is almost healthy. He has some ear mites and some little intestinal parasite that only puppies are prone too, (not dogs cats or humans!) but both are easily taken care of. He also has a knot in his arm pit that I was very worried about, but it seems to just be a fat ball in his skin. No worries!

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