Saturday, December 07, 2002

So the pupster (Franklin Henry) has been here for 8 days. Damn. He's busy.

Eat. Pee. Eat. Pee. Poop. Sleep. Sleep. Bite Nancy. Chase Kitty. Chase Nancy. Pee. Hump my leg. Hump the Blanket. Pee. Chase Nancy. Poop. Chase Nancy to try and Bite her. Repeat every 30 minutes.

He's already grown too. When we got him last Friday he could stand up on Nancy's big tall dog food bowl but couldn't reach anything on the inside. As of yesterday, he could reach the food and water. I think we are going to go get a baby gate to keep him out of the kitchen. Regulate intake to regulate outtake.

I'm going with Mandy and her family to a huge Christmas production thing at Prestonwood Baptist tonight in Plano. That's the biggest church I've ever been too. It has buses to take you from the parking lot to the building and things like gift stores inside. It should be cool though. Everything I've been to there has been cool.

So today in the Hobbs paper they listed people that are owed money by random places. I'm on the list with my address from when I lived in my duplex in H-town. The company that says they owe me money is one I've never heard of. But I won't argue. And I'm going to hurry up and claim so they don't change their minds!!!

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