Sunday, July 27, 2003

I don't know who thought of Netflix, but I love them. I've only been a member about 3 weeks...but I've watched more movies than I have in a long long time! I love to see the happy red envelope in the mailbox. I don't check the email account that it's connected to very often, so it's extra fun if I don't know exactly which movie is here for my viewing pleasure. You see, in case some of you don't know how it works...its 20 bucks a month and you get to rent unlimited movies. You go to the website, make an enormous list of movies you want sent to you and they mail them to you w/ a little thingy to mail them back (shipping both ways is included in the $20 bones). You always have 3 movies at a time. So like I got 3 in the very beginning...I watched the first one (Real Women Have Curves...loved it) and put it in the mail the next day. The next day I watched "Far From Heaven" (loved it too) and mailed it back...the next day I got "Pi: Faith in Chaos" (seen it before...liked it better last time...but still crazy!) and on and on and on! I watch, mail back, get the next. They let you know by email what movie they are sending next out of your choices and also when they get one back for you. AND! I can go to the website and "rate" movies and based on what I say, they make recommendations. It's so fun! SO I'm back to my movie watching self that I used to be when I first moved here and had no friends and no Vic. I love movies, they are good escapes. One thing I did notice when I went on there yesterday to add to my list of future ones sent was that I was picking more comedies than I normally do...maybe that has to do with too much action/reality in my real life?!

Anyway, we got this new bad ass desk and big office hutch thing and it's just jammed into the office room. It's driving me crazy. It really didn't look this big in the store. We don't know how we are going to get it set up but I hope Vic figures it out soon. I'm so ready to organize it all.

I went to the grocery store yesterday because all I wanted to eat was fruit. Lots of fruit. All kinds. What the hell? SO I bought: peaches, plums, strawberries, cherries, grapes, oranges, apples, bananas, and watermelon. In all actuality, there is no possible way I will be able to eat it all before it goes bad. But I couldn't decide, so I bought all that sounded good. I did however talk myself out of the cantaloupe!

I stayed up until 4 am making a budget. I got the idea and I couldn't stop. It's complete with a pie graph to display where our money is going...and I also included things like a housekeeper :) and poodle grooming and charitable donations...I thought of it all!! Vic was shocked and amazed. I was so proud of me. Because as most of you know...I don't even balance my checkbook...I just "guesstimate" so it was a major feet for *ME* to come up with a budget!

Friday, July 25, 2003

So, working the crisis line is stressful. I know you are saying, "Well, Duh, hence the name..." but I used to work a rape crisis line and it wasn't nearly as stressful. Poor, mentally ill people can really be demanding! Actually, I've not had anyone be rude...but it totally breaks my heart to hear the frustration in their voices when I explain about funding, budget cuts, and how that in turn means we can't help them because they are not among the "priority population." I feel like I've been hit by a train. I am home and I don't intend to leave my house until I go back to work on Monday.

So I saw that Miss Moe was not being sweet, but since I know her family and whatnot reads her blog...I thought I'd better investigate. And then I saw what "Mike" had on his piece of crap site. I cannot tell you how pissed off I am! I looked all around his worthless website that he had the balls to enter into a contest for a place to leave my comments (i.e. take out a weeks worth of frustration) and he doesn't have a way to contact his sorry ass. Figures.

I meant to tell yall, Jamey reads my blog. And we thought we were alone! Anyway, everyone go up to the top and say hello to J-Ko! Oh, wait. I forgot no one ever listens when I tell them to say stuff, except Andra. So, completely ignore me as always...that's fine.

Monday, July 21, 2003

I totally can not believe that *I* have a job that has stuff like a 401k. I seriously don't feel any older than I did the day I graduated from high school. I can remember at the end of my first semester of college (at the College of the Southwest in good ol' Hobbs, NM) this thought running though my mind "Oh MY GOSH! One down, only 7 more to go!" What a fool I was...try like 9...ha ha. But anyway, I may have thought stuff like that again...but I don't remember it...the time just kinda flew by. It is just really weird to me that I'm a "grown up". I have always looked at people in professional positions and assumed that they felt like grown ups. I left work for lunch today and opened my sun roof and sang the Beastie Boys as loud as possible. Vic was telling me that there is a new ER doc that listens to Wide Spead Panic and Phish and is taking off soon because WSP is going to be in concert. Since when did people that like these bands get old enough to be doctors?! I am sure that I've mentioned this before, because, well, it's almost a daily occurance that I am reminded how old I DO NOT feel. But then again there are times like when I try to intoxicate myself on those few rare occassions and I have to clear my schedule for the next 48 hours because I'm not going to be capable of leaving my couch...I'm reminded that I'm not 18 any longer. So I suppose that we feel relative to the situation.

Anyway, this week is NEO (New employee orientation). So fun. Tomorrow I get to watch "Get a Grippa on HIPPA" and other neat videos. I wrote my name at least 200 times today, and not just doodling like in college...signing real stuff. If I wasn't used to havin a new last name before now...this fixed that!

Have I mentioned that I hate Frank? Ok, so I don't HATE him...but I do hate having to deal with him. He is 9 months old and still a holy terror. I can't turn my back on him for a second w/out him destroying something, peeing (he leaks), terrorizing a cat, humping Nancy, or (kitchen) counter surfing. Is he EVER going to frickin' grow up??? I told Vic last night that if at 18 months he is not a "normal" dog...he's going to get real acquainted with the people at Poodle Rescue because I'm not doing to deal any longer than that. It'll either be him or me, and I'm not letting Vic get all that life insurance I signed up for today so easy!!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I don't know if I could ever associate with a person(s) that decorated an innocent baby's room in something like:

Then again, working in the mental health field...we must (re?)generate clients somehow. And this is definately enough to cause a severe disturbance in development. Besides, if he (or she, God forbid!) is in the heck could you find them?!

**NOTE TO MISTI: if reading this when having a hormone rush; please do NOT take me seriously. thanks.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Ok, SO I never went to bed last night...couldn't sleep. Anxiety. But the job was good. Misti and I both had our first day of work today! We are no longer housewives!!! Well, she kinda is...her 2.5 hour work days leave a little to be desired...but it's a good start Mama Mist!

Just in case anyone was wondering...the first crisis call that I listened into today was a guy spankin' it while asking for more could hear the porno blarin loud in the back. Apparently he's a repeat caller...the chick takin the call knew who it was as soon as she picked it up. But I damn near died when she said "Stop doing whatever is making you breath heavy..." This seems even more excitin' than the domestic violence/rape crisis line!!! I'm starting to sound like a heartless sicko...but what else can you do but laugh?!

So it's not even 8 and I've figured out what's for breakfast tmw (cheese bagelbites, just like today), got what I'm wearing together, got lunch figured out, been to the grocery store, had dinner w/ Vic at Quizno's, and am in my jammies going to bed. Not just to watch TV, no, I'm going to sleep. They finally installed our shutters in the bedroom today. I can make it very, very dark in there. Perfect for going to bed when there is still a good hour of daylight.

Glad there's no cancer, Moe. Is it weird that we are both having things tested for cancer? Aren't we like a good 40 years too young for that? Whatever, I'm just going to use you as my inspiration and assume that mine isn't either...especially considering I've not really been worried about it...but if yours had been yes, then I would have worried...but since it wasn't, then I won't. That's some young & dumb logic for ya!

Ok, nightynite.
Surgery was, well, surgery...I lived...but I still don't know anything. I start my new job tomorrow (tuesday). I updated my wedding website FINALLY, so now it has real wedding pics one it. And one of Mandy Sue, the cat...not to be confused with Mandy Rue the woman of honor (aka bridesmaid).

I'm going to bed...I have to be there at 8. But after I'm trained (2 weeks from today)...I have to be there at 7 in da mornin'. Holy alarm clocks! I feel my whole life has been altered. Tonight may be the last time I see midnight for the rest of my life. Sad, sad.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

I finally put the links at the top. Good job, Amanda. Thanks, Amanda!
I almost have a job!!! YEAH! I just heard from MHMR and they said that all of my references were excellent and that now the paperwork is going to the "CEO" and to HR to be "signed off on" and that I should hear back from them today or tomorrow. They want me to prolly start on Mon or Tue! Yeah! Hip-hip-hooray for a paycheck!

I'm having surgery tomorrow to check out whatever's broken. I'm having a D & C and a hysteroscopy. D & C does not stand for Dusting and Cleaning as my mother would have you believe, but it is actually a Dilatation and Curettage...which means dilatation of the Mr. Cervix and curettage (a curette is a surgical spoon) to scrap (nice choice of words, huh...vomit) the lining of the uterus. The hysteroscopy is this little camera they look around with. They send all of the "sample" that is removed to the lab to test...and since it's Friday, they put whatevers recorded on the camera onto a DVD for me to bring home for my personal viewing enjoyment. Please excuse me, I'm feeling a little sick and twisted dis mar-nin'. Of course, for all of this I'll be out like I won't know what's goin on.

My parents are on their way (they left at 4:30 a.m.) so they can take care of me all weekend. Yeah for Bob and Kay!

In better news, I talked to my friend Whitney for one million hours last night. She and I went to boarding school in CA together, but she's from Tulsa...and that's where she lives now. We were both retards and lost touch with one another, but I called her grandparents yesterday and got her number. I just love her, she rocks.

Moe, are we supposed to still be voting???

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Our TV has had a "shadow" on it for like a month now. It's our big screen that it took us a year to pay for...and we've only had it 15 months!! Everything has double vision, but only in blue. So it's still watchable...but very annoying. We purchased it at Sears, but didn't buy the extended warranty. So we started calling repair people and all of them said it would be like 400 bucks because a "chip" needed to be replaced. I kept telling Vic to just call Sears and see what they would charge. He FINALLY did and discovered it has a TWO year warranty rather than one. Duh. We could have had this fixed weeks ago! But, alas, Mr. TV Repair Man is here now...saving the day. I can not wait to be able to watch the View without there being 8 hosts!! It starts in 10 minutes...maybe he'll be finished!!

At 11:30 I'm going to Chili's to sit and wait for Vic to get out of class at 11:50. My friend Teri works there and I'm going to go sit in her section and let her do her job...wait on me :)!

I also go back to the Dr. today. Seems I have a little more wrong than just the PCOS...It's a scary word, but I don't think it's very scary. I've got a "fundal fibroid" (aka tumor) on my uterus. Spent Sat. night in the ER, but I am so so so relieved to know why I'm still on the rag...It's the 125th day of it. Neat, huh? It's not the kind of too-ma that gets cancer (I mean, it's possible...but highly unlikely) so it ain't no thang but a chicken wang! I do think they are going to operate on it...but the most likely procedure is embolization, which basically means they cut off the blood flow to it...they do it just like an angogram, where they go in through the artery in the groin area. (FYI: Vic's had embolization done to his brain 3x!) And then I should be good as new. Well, except for the fact that I still will have to buy all new undies. Which I'm not complaining about...I love to buy under-vare!

Ok, I'm going to see what my hero, Mr. Repair Man, is accomplishing. It's almost time for me to enjoy the View.

Saturday, July 05, 2003

So last night me, Mandy, Jason (her cousin), his finance, her friend in from L.A., CA, Landon, Jared, Hog, Toby, Tim Whitaker, "Sonja," and "Amy" went to some new dance club in Denton called Reign. We were a little outraged when they said 8 bucks to get in! But then they explained that "Le Freak" would be there. Who you ask? Go check them out:

There were all of 40 people there, including the 11 of us. I had nothing harder than a bottled water all night...the same could not be said for the rest of the crew. They passed out 1970's style gold porn star sun glasses. They were big enough for me to wear over my real glasses. I disco danced the night away! Several times it was just the 11 of us on the floor right by the stage. Mandy got on the stage and booty-bumped with the lead singer (Minne "Soda" Mick James). Landon fell down twice. Toby once. I laughed til I cried! I am so so so sore today from dancing for hours. I haven't danced that much in the last 2.5 years since I've lived in Dallas. If I would do that everyday, I'd be in killer shape!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Do I need to discuss the benefits of sun BLOCK? No, I don't...because you girls all know! You see these old leathery women that look 200? Well, that's what you will look like if you are not careful. I know you girls all feel the need to play golf (remember, I hate outside) but you need to wear: hats, sun BLOCK, and stay in the shade. And don't forget to slave up your ears, that is the most commom place for skin cancer.

That is all for today's message, lots of love, Casper....pasty-white & PROUD

P.S. if any of you would love to send Kim a cheery card snail mail, it would mean the world to her. I'm having a "card shower" for her...getting people that she knows, doesn't know, hasn't seen in years, etc to bombard her with mail while she is trapped in her wheel chair in the Ronald McDonald house in San Francisco! If you'd like to make her day, write me at for her addy! Oh yeah, and I don't want her to know I did shhhh, it's a secret!


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