Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Do I need to discuss the benefits of sun BLOCK? No, I don't...because you girls all know! You see these old leathery women that look 200? Well, that's what you will look like if you are not careful. I know you girls all feel the need to play golf (remember, I hate outside) but you need to wear: hats, sun BLOCK, and stay in the shade. And don't forget to slave up your ears, that is the most commom place for skin cancer.

That is all for today's message, lots of love, Casper....pasty-white & PROUD

P.S. if any of you would love to send Kim a cheery card snail mail, it would mean the world to her. I'm having a "card shower" for her...getting people that she knows, doesn't know, hasn't seen in years, etc to bombard her with mail while she is trapped in her wheel chair in the Ronald McDonald house in San Francisco! If you'd like to make her day, write me at ammthegr8@hotmail.com for her addy! Oh yeah, and I don't want her to know I did this...so shhhh, it's a secret!

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