Monday, July 21, 2003

I totally can not believe that *I* have a job that has stuff like a 401k. I seriously don't feel any older than I did the day I graduated from high school. I can remember at the end of my first semester of college (at the College of the Southwest in good ol' Hobbs, NM) this thought running though my mind "Oh MY GOSH! One down, only 7 more to go!" What a fool I was...try like 9...ha ha. But anyway, I may have thought stuff like that again...but I don't remember it...the time just kinda flew by. It is just really weird to me that I'm a "grown up". I have always looked at people in professional positions and assumed that they felt like grown ups. I left work for lunch today and opened my sun roof and sang the Beastie Boys as loud as possible. Vic was telling me that there is a new ER doc that listens to Wide Spead Panic and Phish and is taking off soon because WSP is going to be in concert. Since when did people that like these bands get old enough to be doctors?! I am sure that I've mentioned this before, because, well, it's almost a daily occurance that I am reminded how old I DO NOT feel. But then again there are times like when I try to intoxicate myself on those few rare occassions and I have to clear my schedule for the next 48 hours because I'm not going to be capable of leaving my couch...I'm reminded that I'm not 18 any longer. So I suppose that we feel relative to the situation.

Anyway, this week is NEO (New employee orientation). So fun. Tomorrow I get to watch "Get a Grippa on HIPPA" and other neat videos. I wrote my name at least 200 times today, and not just doodling like in college...signing real stuff. If I wasn't used to havin a new last name before now...this fixed that!

Have I mentioned that I hate Frank? Ok, so I don't HATE him...but I do hate having to deal with him. He is 9 months old and still a holy terror. I can't turn my back on him for a second w/out him destroying something, peeing (he leaks), terrorizing a cat, humping Nancy, or (kitchen) counter surfing. Is he EVER going to frickin' grow up??? I told Vic last night that if at 18 months he is not a "normal" dog...he's going to get real acquainted with the people at Poodle Rescue because I'm not doing to deal any longer than that. It'll either be him or me, and I'm not letting Vic get all that life insurance I signed up for today so easy!!

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