Saturday, July 05, 2003

So last night me, Mandy, Jason (her cousin), his finance, her friend in from L.A., CA, Landon, Jared, Hog, Toby, Tim Whitaker, "Sonja," and "Amy" went to some new dance club in Denton called Reign. We were a little outraged when they said 8 bucks to get in! But then they explained that "Le Freak" would be there. Who you ask? Go check them out:

There were all of 40 people there, including the 11 of us. I had nothing harder than a bottled water all night...the same could not be said for the rest of the crew. They passed out 1970's style gold porn star sun glasses. They were big enough for me to wear over my real glasses. I disco danced the night away! Several times it was just the 11 of us on the floor right by the stage. Mandy got on the stage and booty-bumped with the lead singer (Minne "Soda" Mick James). Landon fell down twice. Toby once. I laughed til I cried! I am so so so sore today from dancing for hours. I haven't danced that much in the last 2.5 years since I've lived in Dallas. If I would do that everyday, I'd be in killer shape!

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