Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Ok, SO I never went to bed last night...couldn't sleep. Anxiety. But the job was good. Misti and I both had our first day of work today! We are no longer housewives!!! Well, she kinda is...her 2.5 hour work days leave a little to be desired...but it's a good start Mama Mist!

Just in case anyone was wondering...the first crisis call that I listened into today was a guy spankin' it while asking for more meds...you could hear the porno blarin loud in the back. Apparently he's a repeat caller...the chick takin the call knew who it was as soon as she picked it up. But I damn near died when she said "Stop doing whatever is making you breath heavy..." This seems even more excitin' than the domestic violence/rape crisis line!!! I'm starting to sound like a heartless sicko...but what else can you do but laugh?!

So it's not even 8 and I've figured out what's for breakfast tmw (cheese bagelbites, just like today), got what I'm wearing together, got lunch figured out, been to the grocery store, had dinner w/ Vic at Quizno's, and am in my jammies going to bed. Not just to watch TV, no, I'm going to sleep. They finally installed our shutters in the bedroom today. I can make it very, very dark in there. Perfect for going to bed when there is still a good hour of daylight.

Glad there's no cancer, Moe. Is it weird that we are both having things tested for cancer? Aren't we like a good 40 years too young for that? Whatever, I'm just going to use you as my inspiration and assume that mine isn't either...especially considering I've not really been worried about it...but if yours had been yes, then I would have worried...but since it wasn't, then I won't. That's some young & dumb logic for ya!

Ok, nightynite.

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