Thursday, July 10, 2003

I almost have a job!!! YEAH! I just heard from MHMR and they said that all of my references were excellent and that now the paperwork is going to the "CEO" and to HR to be "signed off on" and that I should hear back from them today or tomorrow. They want me to prolly start on Mon or Tue! Yeah! Hip-hip-hooray for a paycheck!

I'm having surgery tomorrow to check out whatever's broken. I'm having a D & C and a hysteroscopy. D & C does not stand for Dusting and Cleaning as my mother would have you believe, but it is actually a Dilatation and Curettage...which means dilatation of the Mr. Cervix and curettage (a curette is a surgical spoon) to scrap (nice choice of words, huh...vomit) the lining of the uterus. The hysteroscopy is this little camera they look around with. They send all of the "sample" that is removed to the lab to test...and since it's Friday, they put whatevers recorded on the camera onto a DVD for me to bring home for my personal viewing enjoyment. Please excuse me, I'm feeling a little sick and twisted dis mar-nin'. Of course, for all of this I'll be out like I won't know what's goin on.

My parents are on their way (they left at 4:30 a.m.) so they can take care of me all weekend. Yeah for Bob and Kay!

In better news, I talked to my friend Whitney for one million hours last night. She and I went to boarding school in CA together, but she's from Tulsa...and that's where she lives now. We were both retards and lost touch with one another, but I called her grandparents yesterday and got her number. I just love her, she rocks.

Moe, are we supposed to still be voting???

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