Tuesday, April 20, 2004

1. What is your Full Name: Amanda Michele Matthews Napoleon

2. What color pants are you wearing now: n/a

3. What are you listening to right now: American Idol Barry Manilow edition...rather boring

4. What are the last 2 digits of your mobile phone number(s): 61

5. What was the last thing you ate: handful of cherry tomatoes

6. If you were a crayon what color would be appropriate for you: plum purple

7. How is the weather right now: overcast and humid

8. Last person you talked to on the phone: my Mom

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: smile

10. Do you like the person who sent this to you: wasn't sent it, took it from Andra and she rocks

11. How are you today: a smige stressed...the parents are coming tomorrow and I'm trying to get the house ready

12. Favorite Drink: sonic lemonade (i think it's minute maid, but the sonic ice makes it rule!)

13. Favorite Alcoholic drink: cranberry juice & orange vodka

14. Favorite Sport: Anything that I don't have to watch, listen to, or participate in.

15. Hair Color: light brown w/ blonde highlights

16. Eye Color: gray

17. Siblings: Lance & William

19. Favorite Month: November

20. Last Movie you Watched: Raising Arizona

21. Favorite Day of the Year: Easter

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? doesn't apply anymore

23. Summer or Winter: used to be summer until I moved to the humidity...now winter, I suppose

24. Hugs or Kisses: hugs, unless it means the chocolate variety...then kisses!

25. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

26. Do you want your friends to write back: yes, please!

27. Who is most likely to respond: Misti!

28. Who is least likely to respond: I'll be wild and vote for Adam!

29. Living Arrangements: Vic (husband), Nancy (black std poodle), Frank (brown midget std poodle), Carson (fat orange cat), & Chester (gray explorer kitty)

30. What books are you reading? Some non-fiction book about prophecy written by the Left Behind dudes

31. What's on your mouse pad: no mouse pad for me, thanks

32. What did you do last night? Corinth Civic League meeting, dinner w/ Vic & Sheri, unloaded & loaded the dishwasher, read, went to sleep at 3 am

33. Favorite Smell: my nose doesn't ever work so well, but fresh roses and BBQ pits make me happy

34. What do you look for in a friend: honesty, stability, loyalty, and sense of humor

35. What inspires you: I agree w/ Andra...Jesus is pretty much the big one...there are lots of others in the bible too...like Ruth and Mary

36. Popcorn: POP stands for Plain Ol' Popcorn...no butter no salt!

37. Favorite Flower: stargazer lilies

38. Favorite Cookie: oatmeal chocolate chip or my Aunt Jan's sugar w/ icing stuff

39. Favorite animal: Pandas, poodles (just the standard ones!), and my puddytats (I could have used another "P" word for them, but I got control)

40. Motto / Words of Wisdom: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
To have and not to give is often worse than to steal.
~Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
go here!
Favorite Quotes: "Amanda the Great "

41. If you could be an animal what would you be: either a whale or an eagle...or one of poodles...they have the life!

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