Friday, April 02, 2004

Mr. Vic is the big 2-9 today. The last birthday beginning with a 2 unless he lives to be 200. That seems so old, 29 and 200. But I know that I'm not THAT far behind. Actually, 26 seems really old and that's creepin' up on me.

Last night we went to Tx Land and Cattle in Frisco, went to the mall, got cheesecake to go at the Cheesecake Factory, came home, went to bed. Today we went to lunch at Sweetwater and then he tortured me with a trip to Home Deee-pot. I *hate* it there. Well, actually, only with him. I can not look at screws and nails for a hour. Today we looked at trees, bags of sand, and the tool rental crap. I ended up going to the car, without a fight which would be the first time in history to happen. I guess he had a nice birthday. I didn't get him anything, not even a card. He's not into that stuff so I decided to save the money for DC and NYC next week. I don't think I've mentioned that we are going...

We are flying to Baltimore on Wed to stay w/ his mom & sister (grrrrr, but damnit I'm pleasant!) and then driving w/ them to Long Island, NY to his aunts wedding, AND then coming back to Baltimore for a day or so and coming home Tue. I'm excited to get to go on a trip, even if I do have to endure the in-laws. I keep telling myself that maybe we can get to know each other better and they will be nicer to me. But then I sober up. Anyway, Vic and I will have fun!

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